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wandis ; quhair he tliocht he faw the lycht of ane candill ftandand in the iniddis,
of his feniandis, quhilk apperit blew low' ; and Sathan ftwid, as in a pulpet,
makand ane lermond of dowtliun Ipeichis, laying, ' Mony cuniis to J)e fair, and
byis nocht all wares ;' and defyrit him ' nocht to feir, thocht he wes grymme :
ffor he had mony feruandis, quha fould newir want, and fould aill na thing, fa-
lang as their hair wes one ; and fould newir latt ane teir fall fra thair ene," fa-
lang as thay fei-uit him' : And gaif thir lefTonnes and commandis to him, as fol-
lowis. ' Spair nocht to do ewill, and to eit, drink and be blyth, taking reft and
eife, ffor he Ibuld raife pame vp at pe latter day gloriouflie.' — (5.) iTEar, Fylit,
for the being in cumpan}^ with Sathane att his conventiounes, quhair he faw
Robert Greirfoune, Michaell Clark, Annie Sampfoune, with findi-ie vtheris ;
quhair he and all the reft kift him behind, and fum his erfe ; and att the fame
tyme, ffor the bewiching and iioftefrmg of Williame Hutlbune in Windiegoull, with
ane ewill fpreit. — (6.) Iteji, Fylit, for fuffering him felff to be careit to the fee
with Sathane ; and att the fyrft, he wes flvumand^ owre all the fee without land,^
in ane boit, accumpaneit with the perfounes aboue writtin ; and being of the
foir-knawledge of the lek that ftrak vp in the Quenis fchip, as the dewill foirtald
him. — (7.) Item, Fylit, for the rafing of wyndis att the Kingis pafling to Den-
mark, and for the fending of ane letter to Marioun Linkup in Leyth, to that ef-
fect, bidding hir to meit him and the reft, on the fee, within fyve dayes ; quhair
Satan delyuerit ane catt out of his hand to Robert Greirfoune, gevand the word
to •• Caft the fame in the fee hola !' : And thaireftir, being mountit in a fchip, and
drank ilk ane to otheris, quhair Satane faid, ' je fall fink pe fchip ;' lyke as tliay
thocht thay did. — (8.) Item, Fylit, for affembling him felff with Sathane, att
the Kingis returning fra Denmark ; quhair Satan promefit to raife ane mift,
and caft the Kingis Maieftie in Ingland : And for jierforming thairof, he tuik
ane thing lyke to ane fute-ball, quhilk apperit to the faid Johnne lyke a wifp,*
and caift the fame in the fee ; quhilk caufit ane vapour and ane reik to ryis. —
(9.) Iteji, Fyht, ffor being in cumpany with Satan in the Kirk of North-Ber-
wick, quhair he apperit to him, in the forme of ane blak mann within the pul-
pett thairof; and efter his out-cuminge of the kirk, poyntit the graues and
ftwid aboue thame ; quhilkis wer opuit in thre findrie pairtis, twa within and
ane without ; quhilk the wemeu demembrit the deid corps and bodeis being
thairin, with thair gulleis f and incontinent wes tranfportit, without wordis. —
(10.) Item, Fylit, for opening of lokis, and fpeciallie ane lok in Dauid Seytounis
' Blue flame, the candle burat blue ; an inevitable consequence of the presence of the ' foul fiend.'
- It was part of this strange superstition, that after a person had renounced his baptism, and sworn
fealty to Satan, he could thenceforth shed no tears. — ' Item, it is a vehement prelumption, if Ihe
cannot weepe at the time of hir examination : and yet Bodin faith, that a witch may llied three drops
out of her right eie.' — Scott's Discoverie of Witchcraft, cap. 5. ^ Skimming. ■" Out of sight
of the land. ^ Of straw ? '' Large clasp-knives.

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