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uagow'ii departit, tliat Icho had fpokin to the, gif the young Laird of Foulis
deit, the young Laird of Bahiagoun wald mair (marry) the young Lady Foulis
(his) wyf : And thow gaif to the laid Willianie M^Gillevori-danie fyve ellis linning
clayth, in the nioneth of September, anno Ixxvj ; and on Palche-day thaireftir,
xvj f. be A\'illiame Cuikis lone ; quhilk the faid Agnes coufeliit.— (20.) Also,
thow art accufit, for the affilling with the laid Agnes Roy, fpeciale, quhen Icho
was ])affing for Marrioune jM'Kaine ftrAlefter alias Loske Loiicarti.s, cumand
the way with hir, enterit in Ipeking, and Icho laid, ' Scho wald mak bodyis of
clay hir felf, Crillian Malcolmlbne and Gradaclie Malcomlbne ;' and quhen the
laid Agnes Roy fperit at hir, ' To quhat effect the faid bodyis of clay fuld be
maid ?' Quha anluerit and laid, ' That ane of thame wald be maid to the young
Lady Baliiagoun, and the tothir to the young Laird of Fowlis.' And the faid
Lolke Loncart com that nyclit to Canort, at midlbnier, the yeir of God foirlaid :
And alle, Agnes Roy confeffit, that thair was lUv thingis, and taikinis betuix her
and the, and Katherene Rofs Sir Dauidis dochtir, that at quhat tyme the faid
Agues Roy had cum in fra Williame ^rGallevori-dam or Lolke Loncart, vithe
thair myiidis and anfueris, to the and Katherene Rofs Sir Dauidis dochter ; in
caile thair war ony man or woman in the company, quhilk they war nocht pri-
vat of thair lecretis, than the figne and taikin was, that the faid Agnes Roy fuld
vring and greip thair handis or flainp vndir feit ; cj[uhilkis promillis the laid
Agnes Roy confeffit judiciallie, being accufit, and was convict be ane Alfyife ;
as the Proces beiris. — (21.) Thow art acculit, for geving of twa ellis of gray
cleyth and ane fark, with xiij f. iiij d. money, quhilk Johne Syidferf delyiierit at
thy command to Johne IMTarcor, cuik to the 30ung Laird of Balnagown, quha
had cumin thre tymis to Fowlis, and was in fpeking with the and Katherene
Neynday at ilkan of the faidis tymes : and the faid Katherene Neynday pal-
ling out of tlie laid toun of Foulis, tuik with her, at thy command, rattouu
poyfoun to Ardmoir, and delyuerit it to the cuik, to mix it with ane kiddis
neir,' quhilk the young Lady Balnagoun and her cumpany fell that nycht:^
And Katherene Neynday, being in Ardmore that time, Ikunnirrit^ with it
fa mekill, that fcho faid, that it was the faireft and maill cruell ficht that evir
fcho faw, feing the vomit and vexacioun that was on the young Lady Balnagoun
and hir cumpany ; of the quhilk poyfoun, the young Lady Balnagoun contractit
deadlie feiknes, quhairin fcho remanis ye (yet ?) incm-eable ; as is notorlie knaw-
in, and was confeffit be the faid Agnes Roy, being acculit judiciallie, and was
convict be ane Airyife thairof. — ("22.) Mair, thow art acculit, for caufmg of
Lolkie Loncart mak ane poyfone drink, devylit be Lolkie Loncart, and reueilit to
Katherene Rofs Neynday, and was ordanit to be gevin to the young Laird of
' A kid's ear or kidney. * A young deer, killed by the company in the chace. ' Revolted at the sight.

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