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being accufit ; and wes convict be ane AfTyle, and 3aid to deid with the fame. —
(15.) And alfo, thow art accufit, for fending the faid Williame M'Gillievori-dame
to the Egyptianis/ to haif knawledge of thanie, how to poyfoun the young Laird
of Fowles and the young Lady Bahiagoune ; quhilk the laid AVilliame grantit,
being accufit, and wes convict for the fame. — (16.) And forder, thow art accufit,
for refiauing of the rottoun poyfoune, quhilk the faid Williame JM'Gillievori-dame
confeft he bocht fra Thomas Roils, merchant in Aberdene, in Eigne, without
ony filuer gewin thairfore ; and thaireftir for poyfoun, quhilkis he bocht in
Tayne, and delyuerit itt to the, and thow baid him keip fecreit fie thingis as
thow patt^ to his charge, anent the bying of the faid poyfoune ; quhilk the
faid Williame grantit, being accufit and jiuliciallie convict for the famin, be
the Aflyfe. — (17.) Also, thow art accufit, for continewing in thy former wick-
itnes and develrie, quhen Williame IVrGilliveri-dame was fend for be the, in
the moneth of Maij, anno Ixxvij, Donald M'Ky being meffinger, to the toun
of Taine ; and thaireftir, he com to Fowles and fpak with the, ane lang fpace,
quhair thow fperit at him, Gif he had mair of the poyfane to gif the, for
that poyfone thow had gottin of befoir, was our' litill to ferve thy turne ; and he
faid, he had uane ready at that tyme ; and refuifit, without the Laird thi bro-
thir waigeit.^ And ficlyk, thow fperit at the faid AVilliame, Quhidder the poy-
fone foirfaid fervit bettir to be gevin in eggis, browis or keill ? And he anfuerit,
that thow fuld dres the famin as thow thocht guid, and grantit to the faid Wil-
liame that thy brother, the young Laird of Balnagown, knew of the faid poyfone
alfe Weill as thow did; in taikin quhairof, thow fend furlt to him out of the place,
with Donald IVrKay, ane fl;oip of guid aill, with breid and cheis ; quhilkis the
faid Williame grantit, being accufit, and was convict for the famin ; as the
Pi'oces thaii'of beris, and is manifeft to the haill contrey. — (18.) Alse, thow art
accufit, for quyet and lang conference with the faid Williame M'^Gillevor-dame,
in Williame Munrois chalmer, in Culcragy, in October, anno Ixxvij, Katherene
Rofs being prefent, anent the former pm-pois of the down-putting of the young
Lady Balnagowne; thow gaif him vfe of vadge;° and on Witfunday evin, the
faid yeir, for the faid caufe, thow gaif him xx f. And ficlyk, thow caufit Johnne
MTindlay Moir, in Miltoune of Catuall, to delyuer to the laid Williame M"-
Gilleveri-dame, in fummir the faid yeir, ane firlot of meill; quhilkis he confeffit,
being accufit, and was convicte for the famin. — (19.) Also, thow art accufit, for
caufing of Agnes Roy, ane vther of the Vichis, to pas for Lofke Loncart to fpeik
with the, in midfumir, in anno Ixxvj ; quha fpak to the, that thow wald gang
in Hillis to fpeik the elf folk ; and gif the cace wer, that the young Lady of Bal-
' Gipsies. ' Entrusted. ^ Too. ■* Hired him, was his employer. ^ Wages, feed,
bribed or hired him.

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