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pray na way to be tane out of his handes. Bot wirking
wrang vpon wrang, directes Sr Robert Bowis knycht w1
ane armie til our bordouris to spoyle and wast our
cuntrie, nevir warning of weiris maid, ony sygne or signi-
5 ficatioune of weiris to ony. How sune Bowis cam to the
bordouris with thrie thousand men of weir weill preparet,
cruellie sum dorpes thairefter he wrakes with sword and
fyre and vttirlie wastes. The Erie of Huntlie, quha
contrare Jngland was appoynted to defend our bordoures,
1 o with men of weir cam gatherit all * throuch vther, and
ganestude the Jnglismen with forse, and with sik courage
put thame to flicht, and followet the chase, that Robert
and Richard Bowes knychtes, with parte of the cheif
nobilitie, partlie of the secund ordour of the wageouris,
15 war takne tua thunder, the rest schamefulie put to
flicht. This victorie Huntley wan X of August xxiiii on
the Apostles day with honour and glore, this day is
counted haly to S. Bartlmowe. The Quene incontinent
tuik iornay from Edr til Mussilburgh on fute religiouslie,
20 feilling her selfe hauie with barne, quhome the king con-
uoyet to that haly place of our Lady of Lauret, sa namet,
because a certane scot Eremit, as he said and affirmet,
brocht it frome hevin, and was admonist thairfra that it
was the Jmage of our Ladie, (and) (0/ the) chaple of
2 5 Laurete, painted in a § bred, and thair was adoret, for,
and be, mony that receiued thair helth miraculouslie, gret
deuotioune of the peple, quhair mony ane co/»peiret.
* L. “ promiscuo milite comparato. ”
+ Sc. ‘ ‘ and all the principallis and utheris to the number of vi
hundred were tane presoners.” L. “partim ex primariis, partim
ex subsidiariis. ”
+ L. and Sc. add : “ad Haldonrigum ”—“ at ane place in the
Merse called Halden Rig. ”
§ L. Where the virgin mother of God, on account of a picture of
Our Lady in the chapel of Loretto, said to have been received from
heaven by a hermit, is venerated with the devotion and concourse
of the people, and reputation of miracles.

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