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quha war not weil preparet. That throuch thair craft and
subtilitie in the meine tyme thay mycht hinder vs as tha
thocht lytle preparet. Bot quhen the Jnglismen trowet
nathing les than to be gude freindes, al causes of weiris
castne away and cutted cleine asyde, vntil our king in 5
the meine tyme was wrocht na iniure; Bot rather mair
Jniure till ws was wrocht throuch vane hope to deceiue
vs, as thair intentioune was.
Jn the beginning of the summer the king of Jngland
bringis his armie to Scotland, quhilk he preparet to 10
invade bath be Sey and land. Quhairfor quhen to
Londoune a parleame^t was sumwmnt, was shawen thame
the cheif causes quhairfor to Scotland tha war sent,
first of al thir; That he was co«tem«ed with the Scotis
king, quha quhen he sent for him to 30rk, cam nocht. 15
Quhairfor, he said, he had just * tytle to marche vpon
Scotland and vpon the scotis. He cowmandes thairfor
to louse his nauie, and the scotis sey to trouble all
throuch and throuch with reiffe. Jn the meine tyme
our Marchantes, quha feiret na Jll, nocht 3k warnet of 20
armes, sayled (in haist) to France, ffla^diris, Denmark,
and otheris far cu/Aries for Merchandise, quhat tyme the
Jnglismen lye«g in wayt in sum nuikis and bosumis of
the sey, tuik of our shipis, and brocht with thame till
Jngland as tha came hame xxviii with ryche wairis and 25
merchandise, J say xxviii shipis tha brocht ladne with
thame. How sune our king vnderstude that the Jnglis
king sa gret an iniure had done to his peple, ane Harald
at post to the Jnglis king he directes, to pray him as he
was constant and true, that seing na weiris war denouncet 30
or warnet, he suld lat his shipis safe and sound cum
to Scotland. The King of Jngland, of that mynd
shortlie to make weiris vpon ws, wil suffer sa noble a
* L. “ ac sibi in Scotiam principatum jure deberi. ” Sc. “ that
he had just title to the superiorytie of the Realme of Scotland.”

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