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xxvii chaptur.
Bot as it was demyt him to schip into Italic, thai
betak Paule with vthir keparis to a centurion, be
name Julius, of the cumpany of knychtis of the
emperour. 2 And we went up into the schip of
Adrumetis, and began to saile, and war about the
Coll. im. a. placis of Asie, quhile Aristarche of Macedonie, Thes-
salonyce, duelt still with vs. 3 And the day folowing,
f. 192 v. we com to Sidone; and Julius tretit curtaslie Paule,
xxvii. 1. Bot as it was demyt: Ut autem judicatum est. AV.,
‘ And when it was determined.’ him to schip . . . thai betak
Paule : so Wy., P., but Vg., navigare eum . . . et tradi Paulum ;
Rh., ‘ that he should sail . . . and that Paul should be delivered.’
The codices offer remarkable variations here, but Wy., P. seem to
have followed the Gloss, ‘ In Graeco : Ut judicatum est nos navigare
in Italiam, tradiderunt Paulum, &c.,’ which derives from Beda,
Retractationes, and therefore represents the reading of cod. Laud.,
at this place defective. The Vienna Fragments and cod. Demid,
have tradidit; Paris., trcuiidiuit; Gigas, assignauit. keparis:
P., ‘kepers,’ but Vg., custodiis; Wy., ‘kept.’ Rh., ‘prisoners.’
Lyra, ‘ -i- uinctis uel in custodia detentis.’ of the cumpany,
&c. : cohort is Augusta.
2. Adrumetis: Wy., P., ‘Adrymetis.’ and began to saile:
so P., reading incipientes navigare as in Vg. and R.; but St.,
correctly, incipientem navigare with cod. Amiat., going with navem.
So cod. Gigas, qtice in locis Asia: nauigatura erat; Vienna Frag¬
ments, quae nauigatura erat in asiae loca; cod. Flor., cum
coepissemus nauigare ascendimus in navem Adrumetinam. and
war: P., ‘and weren bonin’; Wy., ‘ haren vp.’ Vg., sustulimus;
Rh., ‘loosed from the land.’ Lyra, ‘sustulimus -i- a terra
retraximus ad altitudinem maris.’ about the placis of Asie:
wrongly connected by Wy., P., and Nis. with sustulimus; it
belongs to navigare. RV., ‘And embarking in a ship of
Adramyttium which was about to sail unto the places on the
coast of Asia, we put to sea.’ quhile Aristarche, &c. : perseverante
nobiscum Aristarcho. Thessalonyce : P., ‘ Tessalonycence ’;
3. curtaslie: P., ‘curteisli’; humane. Wy., ‘manly, or
hurteysly. ’

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