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No. 14 v.
Bk. xi. 268-311
foi. 165 v-166 r. Q£ q^ilk fprang yat tyme in mony place
Hamely he faid je fuld difpleis 30W nocht
This 3c defirit it movit neuer in my thocht [270]
And bethe faith I aw the crovne of frace
I thocht neuer to charge 30W to fic ane chance
Bot men of vaill yat afkit it for 30W,
Wallace anfuerit to god I mak ane vow
I likit neuer fic battale to be in
Wpone ane dog na wor[fc]hip is to wyn
The king confauit how yis falffet was wrocht
The fquyaris baith was to his prefence brocht
Culd nocht deny quhen yai come him before
All yare trefpas yai tald withoutin more [280]
The king commandit yai fuld be done to ded
Smait of yair hedis without ony remede
[The Campiounis, lo] for invy caufles
[To fuddad deith Wallace yame brocht throw cais
The Squyaris als, fra yair falfnes was kend.] [166 r]
Invy yaim brocht [baith to ane fuddand end.]
Lordis behald invy the evill dragonne,
[In cr]uell fire he birnis yis regionne
For he is nocht yat haboundis in invy
To sum myfcheif it bringis yaim haiftely [290]
Forfaik invy yow fall ye better fpeid
Heirof as now I will na forthir reid
Bot in my mater yat before began
I fall contene als planly as I can
QWhen Wallace faw yai had him at invy
Langar to bide he couth nocht yan apply
Better him thocht in fcotland for to be
And anter to tak owthir to leif or dee.
To help his avne he had mare plefance
Than yare to bjde with all ye welth in france [300]
Than his hale mynd manhede and curage
Was planly fet to wyn out of bondage
Scotland fra pane and mekill fchore
He vowit he fuld or ellis dee yairfore
The king has fene how gude Wallace is fet
The letter yan him gaif withoutin let
The quhilk of lait fra fcotland was him fend
Wallace it faw and weill yare harmys kend
Be ye firft writ yairto accordiale
Thame to fupple he thocht he wald nocht faill [310]
Quhairof fuld I heir of lang proces mak

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