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Poftenim conflidum dc Rofling VaHas akcnfa navi
Franciam pctijt, Vbi quanta probicaic rcful/ic, tarp fupcr
marc a pirat is,quam in braciaab Anglis papelfus eR difcri-
inina,&: virilicerrchabair,Tionnulla carmina, raimpfaFta-
cu,quara Scotia attcdamur. Cum Rcgccnira Franc ix P hi*
lippOjdignohabcbaturhonorc, venerabaturprxcouio, Sc
mulcebatur ailoquio: acad fccam moradum properpc;uo
grandia promittebantut tcrritoria,&: tarn in pngis q ua vrbi-
bus pr^diaquamplurima, acdominiafueruntdbiconcciTa*
Scd ipf’ folo patct nOj& naturali mo dum Sco*
torum al!e^us,pofl ipfius ^ Scotia rcccdum, audiens ipfum
regnum nimium fuppeditari.fupplicationcScot rum dc£a
cilcrcvocareturjnifircxfrancixipfura quafi inviterctrada*
ret, Nam vt Vilchnusfecum percndina:ef, Ph lippus Rex
Francis,Ed vatdo Regi Angli^fuo fratti legali fpefialif ime1
feripfieprotreugis inter ipfum Sc domum Scotixcapiendis,
(vt infra d;cctur)nc videlicet pr^fentiam VilclmiVallas quo
tarn tenerrime diligebat,vcl ad tempus amitteret^c*
Eftir the baaell of Rolling, Wallace entering=on fchipbuird, paffitto
France. Qijhair, with what vert^ioufnca he did Ichine, quhatdangens he
fufterit afweill on the fey be the (’iratet,a$ be Inglifmbn in France,and how
manfully he behauit him felf, certaine fangt afwcill in Franceit felf, as in
Scotland beitiswicnefling. For with FhilipKingof France he was had in
gret honour, reverenett with praile, fit with familiar commoning gen till/
intreitit, mony ample landis wer promiflt to l^im for to abyde perpetually
With him.raony Lordfchippis and townis baith in butgh and land wer ge«
uin tohitn.fiothebcingalluritbe his natiuc countnet& natural affe&iou
according to the maner of Scottifmen, heiringeftir his departing out of
ScotUnd,ihe Realme to be vtterlie oppreflit, was efily at the requeift of his
Countrie men, purpolit hame againc gif the King of France had not retei*
ait bim,asit]weragainis his will. For 1’hilip King of France,to the intent
that Wallace fuld abyde with hitn,wrait vnto Edward KingofIngl2d,his
brother in Uw,fpecial!y fortrewis to be tame betuix him &ihe Realm of
Saotland (as it falbe fchawin heirefnr) for this purpole that he fpld nocht'
for ony {pace, want theprelenceof Willume wallKe,quhom he maift ten#
4erly favourit, &c,
Maitthaitfolbwii of the famin mater in the xy. chap, ofthefaidbuifc

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