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Sehsnfy cftir tt Dunbar, twentie thoufand: and then atTa Pattirkn**
and threttie thoufand Notwithftanding all this he maids tn« Scotctt to no
bell agane,or thethrid zeir. It it full lyke,huc and twentie thoufand mCto
haif bene within Berwik, and zit to haif bene \ryn be force. Ourwrytera
fayia it was wyn be treffoun, and that King Edward flewe men, W> fis.and
bairnis in it: quhairthrow peradventure he het cumroit ncir to Fabianta
aomptoftheflaine. Gifthat be the number, hetnichtwith mairhoneftit
haifhaldin hispeice. Farther, it is not verty lykelie, yateuinin ancNa*
don mair populous thanouther Scotland or Ingland, eftir fa greit flaucha
ter of men. fa haiftic inftmedioun fuld haif rilen of new agane. Zit for all
this Polydorus Virgilius wrytis, that according to the ancient Cronikillia
thair wervponfyfetenethoufand Scot tis Dane in the bactell of the Faw*
kirk. Be thir ze may fe, how not only they aggre nocht anc with anc vther:
hot how (lenderly mm of themagreis with them feifis: and cheiflieFabian
J leifhis ignorance in the monftrous namisof men & townii, neucr bard,
nor knawin, & will pas to the reft of our purpofe,
Syndrie thairis that callis in dour the hiftoryis of the palling o ("Wallace
to France, and his fechting with the reid Reuar, andlohn of Lyn vpon ye
fey, amangis ouhome is Maifter lohn Maiormouit be thir Ample rcflbms,'
that the Ftencn hiftoryis makis na mention of him: & that our latine Cron
tvikillisfchawis na excellent fa£iis ofhim eftir the battcll of the Fawkirlu
Thirar waik argumentis thatMagiftcrnoftcrhes forhim.Tbe French hi«
ftoryis makis na mention of Wallace, nor of his cumming to France,!: rgo
become neuer to France, I will meit him with theiyke. Pauius ^myliua
ane of the cheif wry ten of the French hyftories, and almaift all the reft of
them makis na mention of the great and folempne confcderacic and band i
jnadebctuix King Charles the greit of France, and King Achaius of Scot*
land: Etgo thair was na Ac confcdaracie nor band made, I think Maior
Wald not grant to this, for he'affirmis the contrair thairof in the lecund
buikofhisScottisCronikilL Zicwas this band ane mater of verrsy greit i
Wcchtand importance,and hes continewit inuiolablc thirmony hunoreth
Xeiris with Ac Arroe conftancic, that the likeofAccontinuance hesfiotbea
oft fecne betuix ony twa Realmes, Nouther isitvneouth to the French* >
Writers coAippres and coneyle the nobill a&is of ftrangerisdone amangia
them: as it is cAe to perfaif to them that lift confer the hyftoryis of vthet
naciounis wkh rhairs. As to his vther reftbun, gif he had bene diligent ia
fcarchingoutofourLatinc Cronikillis, it had not beae put in wryte ba
him. For the contrair thairof is plainelie contenit in the xix.buikofScoti«
chronicon in the fourtene chapter. Bor becaus cache man hes not the (aid I
bulk at handund left fum fuld fulped it to be hot fenzeit, Ihaifinfcnan* l
pairt ofthe faid fouttCflf ittdUnd the phralc of thap
e»yu; ^uiuUt u uui,

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