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spirit and bald, togiddir in ane knott, thinking on pare fays
to revenge thare dede, quhen vthir wayis thay mycM nocht
evade, addressit -with grete force to rusch throw the thikkest
preift. Howbeit nocht without felloun slauchter of Romanis
nane of pat rout eschapit. Quhen fra all partis Romanis
drewe to resist the irruptioun of Scottis, diuerft of oure armye
quhare inemyis war thyn, brak out and fled. Romanis follow-
60 ing slew sa mony as mycht be apprehendit. Vtheris quhilk
obstinatelie taryit in pe feild war strikkin doun. Ffra slauchter
was nocht abstenit quhill pe sicht be myrknes was abstractit.
In this myschevous iournay Fferguft, king of Scottis, and
Durst Thrid, king of Pichtis, with the maist parte of nobillis
of athir realme, war slane. Dioneth, grevouslie woundit
in myddis the bargane, borne be servandfs fra pe feild to pe
sey nere beside, in ane bote with fewe folkis passit to Walis.
Eftir pis feild sa mekill terroure was in all regiouns of Scottis
and Pichtis that pe pepill belevit athir kinrik suld be haistelie
extermynate, and persaving na esperance of succouris pareeftir,
70 becaus pare douchtiest men war fallin in feild, devisit fie in
strange cuntreis. Maximiane, thinking he wald vse pe avantage
of fortune, cruelly invadit Galloway, and throw pe samyn
vsit all kynde of fellony; syne in Anandale, Deer and Picht-
land distroying all be fyre and swerde, salfit na persoun nor
estate, 3ong nor auld, bot in his furie all war slane. Quhare
ony fled to kirkis for refuge, thay war violentlie drawin parefra
and without mercy murdrist. The ciete of Camelodune was
assegeit, takin be force and putt to sak, with vthir burrowis
and cieteis of Scotland. This furie continewit diuerft dayis,
and ceissit noc/zt quhill all Scottis and Pichh's left vnslane
war dispituously bannyst be3ond pe wall, certane 3eris afore
80 foundit betuix Abircorne and Dunbritane to exclude inemyis
fra pe Romane provincis ; syne war constrenit to swere pai
suld neuer returne to pe rowmes of Scottzs and Pichtis be3ond
pe wall. Sum persuadit Maximiane distroy finalie or ellis
fra Albion driffe Scottis and Pichtis, sen now pare pussance
was brokin and ouresett, becaus pai war sa fraudulent pat
with nychtboure pepill be na contractis, ligis nor grete aithis
thay mycht fermelie at pece be contenit. Maximiane refusit.
Fo. cxxv.
m.Ii.t. 235
Fo. cxxvi.
m.l.t. 2356

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