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396 the mar lodge translation OF ‘ BOECE ’
To. cxxv. grete pyne. Now, noc/itwithstanding pai ar discumfist, pai
returne to mell with ws in bargane, led be Maximiane chiftane
(ffor Castius latelie was in batell slane), like as pare new
mx.t. 2346 chiftane mycht renew thare enrage, lost be fere and drede
quhew thay war in plane batell ouresett. Be heraldis thay
defend ws to ask Westmarland and Cumbirland, richtwislie
to ws pertenyng, as we war 3it subiect to pare sene3eorie.
To quham I think nocht alanerlie suld nocht be obtemperit,
bot with stout corage and greter attemptatis oure iuste 30
actioun to pe extreme suld be persewit. Quharefore, maist
vale3eand Scottis, Pichtis and frendzs of Britouns present,
raift 3owr corage and stoutlie dreft 30W in 3oure armys, for
3e sail vnderstand grete pussance is nocht requirit to oursett
inemyis, supponyng pai salbe lichtlie vincust, quhilk latelie
with sic dishonoure be oure armye war defate. Latt ws
pas forthwart, memorative of oure liberte, auld iniuris and
recent victorie. Apoun this dispitefull nacioun lat ws conqueft
glore, pat be oure exempill oure successioun may lere to
debate baldlie for pare richt.” Eftir pe king had endit his
harrang to grete plesoure of pe armye, he chargit at blast
of trumpet pai suld ione pe feild. The remanent chiftanis,
vsing sic like exhortacioun to fecht, raissit pare folia's in 40
ferme esperance of victorie. Sone pareeftir on athir partie
scharplie was recounterit. At pe first rusche Romanis fechting
in pe myddilwarde war nere ouresett be schott of corft bow,
dart and arrow, sa thik pat the hevin and lift was obscurit.
Maximiane, aduerting pe dangere, send haistelie ane legioun
fresche and vnfule3eit to pare succourfs; be quham the
bargane was renewit with grevous strakis and woundis.
The Romane wyngfs stoutlie supprisit inemyis, quharethrow
pe feild was equale mare be corage than fortitude. Scottis,
Pichtis and Britouns resistit certane tyme, quhil Romanis
in the wyngz's fechtand, with vntelland slauchter sindering
thare partie obiectit, terribly invadit pe myddilward. Noc/zt- 50
withstanding the confederate pepill war newlie affrayit,
on all partis inclosit be Romanis, 3it pai stude cloift togiddir
in rowtis and mycht nocht be sinderit. Sua quhen on athir
party thay war fechting in cumpaft, certane Scottis off manlie

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