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3. There has been an epidemic of Plague and Cholera in
Lahore and one case of each of these diseases occurred in the
attendants' quarters of this Institution. By prompt measures
which included the inoculation of all the staff and patients, isola
tion of contacts, etc., the disease was, in each instance, limited
to that single case. No patients and no member of the staff was
affected either by Cholera or Plague.

There was also the possibility of an epidemic of Rinder-
pest among the cattle. One of the hospital bulls was found to
be suffering from this disease and it is surprising that others
were not infected, considering the extremely bad arrangements
which exist for housing the cattle. However, it is satisfactory
to note that energetic sanitary precautions prevented the spread
of this disease.

Statement II.—
Criminal Patients.

4. The total number of criminal patients treated in 1922,
1923 and 1924, respectively, were 198, 193 and
187, and the daily average strength for these
three years was 160.11, 158.25 and 152.56. It
will be noted that there has been a decrease in the number of
criminal patients due to the fact that a certain number of insane
criminals who were detained in the hospital for trivial offeness
have been transferred to the non-criminal class.


5. A new criminal section with accommodation for 200
patients has been completed but has not yet
been occupied as Government sanction has not
yet been received for an increase in the staff which is considered
necessary. This section will relieve the congestion that has
been experienced for many years in the male hospital. There is
still, however, much overcrowding in the female section. But
it is hoped that as funds have been provided for the extension
of the Female Section, the congestion will be relieved during
the current year.

A new cattle shed is required to provide accommodation
for cattle belonging to the Institution and to the milk contrac-
tor, which are at present very inadequately housed.

Another direction in which lack of accommodation is badly
felt is in the quarters provided tor the hospital staff. The
number of attendants, nurses and sweepers has been greatly
augmented in recent years and will have to be still further in-
creased in the near future, but the quarters for the staff have
remained the same for the last 15 years.

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