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3.    The increase in the number of cases discharged as
cured,—a number amounting to about 16 per cent. of the daily
average population,—is a most satisfactory feature of the year's
report, and in view of the results obtained the slight financial
loss due to the freer employment of patients in open air occupa-
tions may be disregarded.

4.    The death rate was higher than in the previous year,
amounting to 11.31 per cent. of the daily average population.
This, however, is equal to a rate of only 12.8 per mille as
compared with the general provincial rate of 43.4 per mille, and,
considering the peculiar nature of the population concerned, the
figures bear eloquent testimony to the care with which the
inmates of the institution are looked after.

5.    The expenditure per head of the daily average popula-
tion, excluding expenditure on work done by the Public Works
Department, amounted to Rs. 294 as compared with Rs. 287
in the previous year. In the United Provinces the correspond-
ing figure is only Rs. 175, charges on account of diet being
Rs. 30,000 less than in this province, although the daily average
population of the mental hospitals of the United Provinces was
1,287 or nearly 50 per cent. greater : similarly the charges for
establishment proper excluding superintendence were Rs. 11,000
less than in the Punjab and for contingencies Rs. 12,000
less. The Punjab Government (Ministry of Education) have
for sometime been inclined to consider that the expenditure
on the mental hospital has been unduly large in view of the
many demands in other directions which have remained unmet
for want of funds, and, though financial conditions are now
more favourable, the figures quoted above indicate that there
is some justification for this view and the question is now
under examination.

6.    The thanks of the Punjab Government (Ministry of
Education) are due to Captain C. J. Lodge Patch, I.M.S., who
was in charge as Medical Superintendent throughout the year,
for the zeal and efficiency with which he has discharged his
duties, ably assisted by Dr. Thomas, the Deputy Medical
Superintendent. The Revd. Mother Superior and the Franciscan
Sisters have continued to discharge their voluntary duties of
looking after the female patients in the hospital with the same
self-sacrifice as in previous years.

                                                            I have the honour to be,


                                                        Your most obedient servant,

                                                                J. G. BEAZLEY,
                                        Secretary to Government, Punjab,
                                                            Transferred Departments.

                                    1410 CS—180—14-12-25—SGPP Lahore.

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