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33.     Professional staff.—Special mention should be made of the
Hospital Surgeons in charge of wards and the Laboratory Assistant—the
former of whom have contributed considerably towards the success of
the College as a hospital for sick animals and in maintaining its good
name as such.

                                        General remarks.

34.    Programme of work of the College for 1925-26.—I would
remark again, as I did last year, that, owing to want of adequate staff
and in view of the necessity for economy in all branches, no new work
of importance in the present standard of teaching, etc., is contemplated.

                                          General staff.

35. In conclusion of my report for the year, I would mention that
the office staff worked well considering the heavy accounts and other
work involved. The Manager was kept busy in many spheres of
activity, and was ably helped by the Assistant Manager in the

                          Raymond Research Laboratory.

The laboratory workers continued to do good and useful service.
One hundred and twenty brains of different species of animals were
examined for rabies, of which 94 proved positive, 20 negative and 6
unfit for examination.

2.     Seven hundred and twenty-five pathological specimens, received
for the various districts of Bengal and the College Hospital, were
examined. Sample of urine fœces and milk were also examined.
Autopsis were made on carcases received from the Bengal and Calcutta
Police, Zoological Garden, private bodies and other sources as well as
on all animals which died in the College.

3.     Cases of Anthrax, Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia, Follicular Mange,
Surra, Equine Filariasis, Ankylostomiasis and similar Entozoal infesta-
tions of animals were diagnosed.

4.    Auto-vaccines were prepared and used in the College Hospital,
as well as being supplied to private bodies.

5.     Blood from various species of animals was supplied to the
Imperial Serologist and others and morbid materials to many scientific

6 Samples of bone-meal and hide-cuttings, intended for export
from this country, were collected and tested for possible contamination
with anthrax and other pathogenic organisms.

7. All requisitions for sera, etc., from Calcutta and muffassal were
received. During the year, 264,925 doses of Anti-Rinderpest serum,
47,4922/3 doses of anti-Hsemorrhagic Septicæmia serum, 2,9331/3 doses of
anti-Anthrax serum, 89 doses of Mallein, 15 doses of Tuberculin and
5,000 doses of Black-leg vaccine were supplied.

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