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24.     The fees realised during the year for the treatment of animals
at the College Hospital (horse, cattle and dog wards) were Rs. 30,820-3-9
and the cost of feeding was Rs. 27,697-15-9 against Rs. 30,037-8 and
Rs. 25,980-1 of last year, respectively. The feeding costs stated
includes the treatment, feeding and maintenance, free of charge, of the
riding ponies, ambulance horses and breeding and draft cattle belonging
to the College, as well as of all free patients of poor owners.

25.     Fodder crops.—Lucerne, linseed, carrots, Guinea-grass, oats,
maize, joar, barley, Swedes, Italian Rye grass, peas and gram were
grown in the College compound on an area of about 16 acres of land, in
rotation, and as before a continuous supply of fresh green fodder was
available for all patients throughout the year. At the same time the
cost of feeding was reduced to a considerable extent. The surplus
fodder was sold and realised Rs. 1,845-12-3 against Rs. 4,241-11-3 of last

26.     The decrease in sale-proceeds this year is due to late heavy
rains which caused a partial failure to the first sowing, and delayed the
second crop considerably even to the extent of our having little more
green fodder at times than was sufficient for our own use. The surplus
was, therefore, seriously curtailed in quantity; hence the reduction in
receipts from sale of such.,

27.     Ambulances.—The College ambulances were frequently
demanded by the public in Calcutta and Rs. 510 were realised on
account of their services against Rs. 370 of last year.

                                  Breeding operations.

28.     The return of stud bulls maintained at the College is included
in Table VIII of the Report of the Civil Veterinary Department,
Bengal. The fees derived from this source amounted to Rs. 401.

                Provincial and subordinate establishment.

29.     The total strength of the Provincial and Subordinate staff
employed at the College is included in Table III of the Report of the
Civil Veterinary Department, Bengal.

                           Expenditure of the College.

30.     The main results of receipts and expenditure of the College,
compiled by me and verified by the Accountant-General, Bengal, are
given in Table I of my report.

                                   Special remarks.

31.     Vice-Principal.—Captain R. T. Davis was, as usual, of great
help to me during the year.

32.     Assistant Principal.—Rai Sahib Dibakar Dey worked con-
scientiously and well during the year.

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