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Mr. John Fork, London, to Sir George Maxwell of Pollok,
24th December 1661.
307. Eight worshipful! I cam to London the 23d of December, and the next day I
was informed by persons of quality that the busines of fining is seriously sought
after by many and opposed by som. I forbear to mention the names of per-
sons on aither syd, presuming you are no stranger to the charracters of those
that are for fining and against it. Its propogators have not obtained their
desyre, nather can its opposers positivly tell what will be the event. On thing
I will assure your worship of, that it is not so ryp as is commonly reported.
I am also informed that a son of Sir Frederick Hamilton's hath been puting in
for a gift of your fine, pretending he sustained losse by you at the ingadgment ;
but hitherto it hath taken no effect ; naither shall it, I hop, for I am setting
your intercession a-work. I have delyvered the letter to Mr. Metlan, but had
litle discourse with him, in regard he was ingadged in busines. Wee are to
meet the next day. Only, I breifly told him, to make him active in your be-
half, that if he would be myndfull of your concernment his panis should not be
fruitlesse, nor his courtesy misplaced. I perceaved him lyk the aire weel, for
the treuth is, interest pylots heer. If your worship think it fit, you may draw
a bill payable to me heer, that wee may have oile redely least our wheels rust :
and if I shall find it requis[i]t to bestow any thing upon him it shall be faith-
fully don ; and if not, it shall remain intyre to yourself. I am going to delyver
the rest of the letters, and shall be wanting in nothing that I can doe for your
I rest zour worship's humble servant,
John Fork.
Westminster, 24th December 1661.
Direct to me at Mr. Black's at the signe of the Leg in the great Ambry
in Westminster.
For the right worshipfull Sir Georg Maxwell of Naither Pollock,
in Scotland, — These.

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