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Robert second Earl op Nithisdaill to Sir George Maxwell of Pollok,
19th June 1657, [annexed to the preceding letter.]
291. Cousin, you haue expressed our agreement trewly, to which I agree fully, as if
it wer expressed in the back band forsaid ; and doe put that confidence in
your care and ingenuetie that you will in the sale make the best bargaine you
cane, that ther may be the lesse burden upon me. This is all at present from
your affectionat cousin and seruant,
R. Nithisdaill.
Edinburgh, 19 June 1657.
James second Earl of Abercorne to Robert second Earl of Nithsdaill.
London, the 27 of September 1657.
!92. My Lord, I must bege your Lordship's pardoune for having bein so long in
ansuering your Lordship's of the 1 7th July, by resoun I did not reseave it till
above a month or six weiks after it had bein wretin, and then my sistirs whairin
it was as it serf cam both openid to my handes, whairby finding as by severall
others that most letters of leait aither to or from me have beine totahie mis-
caried, or wsed in the layk kaynd, I was wnuilling to adventour ame butt by
sum saif hand. And nou I am some that I can not returne that satisfaction to
your Lordship's demand as I should willing-lie doe if it war in my pour, as it is
not. For at the leait Kinges being in Scotland in the yeair 1642, I did then,
be the knaulage and aprobation of my Lord your father, by contract betuixt
the Douke of Lennox and Richmound and me, make over to his greac that in-
feftment I had wpon the baronie of Meairnes, which I belive his greac did
at that time asayne againe to the Lord Cochrane, wpon the transactione betuixt
thaim conserning thos monis and formar securitis his greac had also wpon thos
landes; all which securitis I conseave to have bein repurchased from him by Sir
John Maxuall, and thairfor is probabillie in the handes of his sucsessour, Sir
George Maxuall, the leait bayare of thos landes from your Lordship. So this
is the best acoumpt I can give your Lordship conserning thos securitis, and all

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