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Sir George Maxwell of Pollok, to Eobert second Earl of Nithisdaill,
19th June 1657.
290. My Lord, your Lordship does remember I did formerly satisfie your Lordship
toucheing the necessitie of my makeing present sale of the baronie of Mearnes,
in wholl or in parte, as opportunitie might best offer ; beeing that meane with-
out which I should not be able to satisfie the duetie I owe to your Lordship's
service in this tyme of your process against the Countess of Bucleugh touche-
ing the redemption of Langholme, according to my engagement in the back
band given to your Lordship, of the date at Peebles, the fifth day of September
1656. And I beeing exceedingly desyreous to walke in everie step of my trans-
actionis so as may consist with that true candor and ingenuitie of our first
agreement, which was that on my parte I should assist your Lordship accorde-
ing to my best power in the prosecution of your present suite upon mine owne
expences, or furder to your laweris, as neede wer ; and that, for ane recompence
heerof, your Lordship wold, besides the expences, mak up the loss I have or
may sustaine by the bargaine of Mearnes as land then sold and now selles, with
the interess therof. So that if I wer not gainer I should not be ane loser in
dealeing with your Lordship ; on which termes your Lordship entrusted the
disposition of Langholme, I desyre to know whether I shall proceede to mak
the best bargaine I can in the sale therof, in wholl or in parte, and if your
Lordship be heerin satisfied accordeing as I have expressed the termes of our
agreement. I shall now ad no furder but that I am,
My Lord,
Your Lordship's most humble and engaged servant,
S. G. Neather Pollok.
Edinburgh, 19 Junij 1657.
For my most noble Lord, my Lord Erie of Nithisdaill.
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