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and would not owine me in a groat, so that I wes daylie wilder expectatioune
of starving. So they have remittit the said mulct of 5 lib. sterling, which is
mor nor about ane fourt night since ; and lies still remained in prissone for
want of silver to pay my jaylor fies, which will amount to mor nor 30 pund
Scotis. For thair is not ane day that I have remained heir bot I will be forced
to pay tenpence a day, half a merk for the house, and 40 pennyes for my bedd.
Onlie I am sorie and greived from my heart that ever such ane fact should
have bein committit be me, and that ever I should have had this occasione of
wryting to yow. Thes ar, therfor, brother, to desyr yow that yow would speik
the Laird concerning cmhat I have wrytine to yow, and desyr him to send me
36 pund to pay may jaylor fies; for it is mor nor aught weeks since I cam
heir, neither will any of my freinds heir pay the moneyes for me. And if they
let me remaine heir any longer, the jaylor fies and dewes of the house will
come to mor nor double the 36 lib. This is all I have to wryt to yow for the
present ; only hooping this yee will doe, I commit yow to the protectione of
the Almightie, and restis,
Your loving brother,
G. Maxuelle.
From Edinburgh, 4th March 1654.
For my loving and kynd brother, Hew Maxwell,
Student in the Colledge of Glasgow, — Thess.
Robert second Earl of Nithisdaill to Sir George Maxwell of Pollok,
10th February 1657.
285. Cousin, I am sensible of your paines about my affaires tuching the Langholme.
I know how preieduciall it may be to your oun affaires, which ar inuolued with
your last purchesse of the Mearnes ; but for your incouradgment, I doe faith-
fully promise to you that I shall take bake from you againe two thousand
pund of the rent of that land, at the same rate you bought it, which was
twenty years' purchas, which may lie a releefe to you of your burthens. I
know you will be satisfied that it be of that neerest the mansion house, with

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