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thairfoir ze sal speik to anay that he desayris zou. He geiuis me greit asuiren
sis that so souine as he is sattilit in his layf rent, he wil com horn and end weith
zou, and sayis ze ar al maist greit in particouleris. This is far diffirend from
zour resoloution this day with me ; and this genttilman that brocht me the lettir
asouris me he lies neuir a mmins; hot to end with zou. Bot I haue writtin
werie freily to him that the conditionis ar se hard that I dar not be ane coun
seler of zou to end with him, and lies desayrit him to aduays him selue on the
best of it. For I asuired him that ze mil nou be pout to ane pouint, for ze
find zour selue to far preiuged alrady lie delayis. So aduos zou with zour best
frindis quhat ze think meit to dou, and leiue no longer in souspences. So I
Zour louing ant,
Anna Cunnynghame.
Hamiltoune, x of Marche.
To my louing nepheue, Johne Maxual, soune to the Laird of Oaldiruoid.
9th September 1641.
276. Louing cusin, what I haue done in thir last trubils, I obserued the King's par-
ticuler dii'ectione, uhich I did consaue to be warrand sufficient. Matters are
now turned by uhat I looked for, sie as I scars knou uhat sal be the eueiit.
Heere I lye, cummandit be the King to cum hither ; for ought I sie it may be
long aneugh, and am badlie prouydit. I haue sent this bearer to you, hearing
that .the Duck of Kichmont intendeth to put that ryght uhich he haith of that
barronie, intoe Brumhil's hands. As I am informed, his Lordship is willing to
giue a proportion of uhat is due doun, so he may haue the rest ; uhich I haue
desired the bearer to trye : and, before any other sheuld haue entrest thare, I
desyer ernestlie yow will strane your credit for his satisfaction ; and the ryght
I am content, sal be tra[n]sferred hi your persone. Tharis lykueyis ane infeft-
ment uhich the Earle of Abercorne haith, uhich is all satisfied and peyed. I
haue desyered the bearer lykueyis, a discharge may be drauin up and presented
to my Lord, uhoe, I dout nocht, will willingly syng the sam. The cace I stand

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