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especiallie in making reddie ffor this consignation, that till now I cowld never
convenientlie motion anie thing concerning this bessines in that contrie. My
Lord had send for Jhone Maxvell the Advocat, quha brocht home vith him the
advyse of the best counsell att Edinburgh concerning the ordour off redemption,
conforme to quhilk, my Lord cawsit consing att the Kirk off Carlaverok fyftie
sevin thowsand markis and odis numerat, be fowre or fyve of the settis thame
selfis (quha came to se that the consignation vas reall). Thairefter Jhone, as
jirocuratour for my, maid offer of the monie, wpon a sufficient discharge and
renunciation, quhilk in respect thai had nocht, he tewk instrumentis of this
consignation, conform to ane accompt and clame maid be thame, and thairefter
consignit the haill monie in Jhone Maxwellis handis of Bromholme, to be furth-
comeing to the Errllis Bucclewch or Blakborrone thair vsses. And concerning
that besines this was all. As concerning my Lord him self, his Lordship is in
good helth, prasit be God ; and as I conjecturit att my being with yow, so I
heir it was. And for new occurrenttis, than is none bot quhilk yow heir sonner
then we. Will Allane came this way home, quha tawld that he mett the
Thesawrer and the Commissioneris att Newvark vpon Trent. We have hard
nothing sence, bott hoips that all salbe weill. Thay go abowt to thruch this
band of relief : quhat it will draw to is vncerten. This being all I can wrytt
for the present, wisching all happines to yow and your ladie, I hartlie tak
my leif.
Your werie affectionatt cousing and servitour,
J. Mr. Maxvell.
Caerlaverok Castell, Februarie the 19, 1640 yeiris.
My Lord hes heirvith sent ane pover and Commission to yow for giving
dischargis for the remanent of the rentis restin vn liftit vp be me, quhilk I hoip
your worschip wilbe cairfull off, and caws the officer pund, gif thai pay nocht
thankfullie, for now the tyme is come.
To his worschipfull cousing, Sir Jhone Maxvell of Nether Pollok,
Knyght and Barronett.

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