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Robert first Earl of Nithsdaill to his brother, James Maxwell of
Springkell, 16th December 1639.
!71. Louing brother, . . . A ne mischance communly cummeth nocht alone ; for now
the seeknese of my cusin Pollock is hauie neuse, uhemto I prey God gra[n]t long
lyfe ; for I know nocht uher I mey with confidence say I haue such ane other
freeud. That desies is painfull, bot I hope in God it is nocht soe dengerus
uhen the feuer is passed ; for yow know our mother had it, and my sister, my
Ladie Herreis, haith it. I prey aduyse him, if thare be none sent alradie, to
send for Doctor Ernot his aduyse ; for they uhich ar [subj]ect to that desies, it
falleth once in tuo or thre to tham. And least the medling- in busines
[should] disturb him, only settle the proportion of the an[nuel] rentis, and lett
him haue the possession of the hous and mains, and bryng in uhat wretis hee
wold haue my hand toe, I sal subscryue thame, be in tham uhat will. And
after Chrystinniese, yow sail returne back agane with tham to him. Then may
yow tack tyme to settle ether particuleris. Wold to God it ware in my pouer
to doe any tiring myght athir please him or acqueyt that kyndnese I owght to
him, it sheuld be cpiikly done by
Your lowing brother,
Carlauerock, Desember the xvi 1639.
I did resaue a letter from Mr. William Maxuell conserning the course to
be tene with Bukcleughis tutors for the apprysing. I prey speek with him
agene, and lett mee haue the forme in particuler, uhat premonition I sheuld
macke ; for the apprysing is at Blakbarrenries instance. Thar can be nothing
done in unfortunat Midlibie his bussinese til yow cum home. The sadlis,
aquauytie and boots are cum home. They are a lytle short in the foote. The
barring ar sent for. If yow cum nocht in presentlie, yow must lett mee know
how the kie of Dinwoddie's charter chist may be had. And yow must cause bye
stirep latheris and irins, for tharis none in Cairleell. Sie the irinis be big
aneugh ; and by girthing, for thare is none.
[To my] louing brother, [James MaxweU] of Springkell, Pollock.
2 M

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