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and did represent to him that the sax monthes wold expyr from the generall
assembhe at Edinbruch, befor the parlament was to sit doun again, and so
the presbitris wold put in men in thes pleasis, which I was wnuilling
should be, in respect they war whair my aune landes did lay, and whair my
residenc was to be when I was at horn, he did ask me if I wold not trust to
the assurancis which he had so oftin given me, and then did reneu his formar
derectiouns, with verie great assurancis that he should never permit anie to
stay in those pleasis bot whom I should heirafter present to thaim, which com-
mandes I can not bot obay. And for your last lettir conserning your ministars
being transportid, and your desyr to have ane presentation to his pleas, tho'
for the present you si I can doe nothing thairin, and that I am wnuilling to
ingag myself for pleasis befor thay doe waik, yet I will assur you, sine I kno it
does so much conserne you, that so soun as his Maiestie is pleasid to permit me
to present to anie kirks, and that yours be vaking, I shall present non thairto
bot whom you shall desyr, and what you have wretin shall be ane sufficient bar
to all other requistes, and serve for ane ansuer to thaim. Bot Mr. Heu will
doe weill to be advysid befor he remove ; for I wold be loth to counsall any of
my frindes to remov at this taym from ane pleac whair thay ar weill sattelid,
to ane other, tho' it war bettir, whair thay most be admittid be the presbitrie,
least thairafter they may find the proverb treu, bettir ane foull in hand then
tou fleiing. Bot I am wnuilling to wryt so much to him self, tho', if you
think expedient, you may let him kno it. As for the generall busines heir con-
serning our contrie, they ar caried verie closlie of leat by ane privat committi
for that affect. But I doe belive they will depend much wpon your resolu-
tiouns thair, which I pray God may be good, and for the weill and setteling of
that pour contrie, and that you wold be content with what his Maiestie is so
gratiuslie and frilie pleasid to grant for the peas thairof, which I am shour is
mor then ever was expectid or hoped for in the begining. Bot if you doe
otheruays, I fear it shall bring maters to ane wors poynt then ever they war
at, which, aftir so great hopes of satteling, can not bot be great greif to all
honest hartes that loves thair contrie, and to non mor then to
Your most affectionat coosing to serve you,
London, the 27 of November 1639.

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