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throw his carries neglect, sufferit vmquhill Sir Gedeon Murray (the tyme he was
thesaurar deput) to tak in the same to the exchakker. And seing zour Lord-
sliip is now in that plaice and office, quha I am assuret respectis boith the
Duikis grace's honor and proffeit, and the priviledge of this his hous, I will be
bauld to requeist zour Lordship not only to caus the Maister of wark vissit the
hous, and at leist this symmir to caus repair the same according to the neces-
sitie thairof, bot lykwayis that zour Lordship will tak ordour for fiunesing of
powclir and schot, and that zour Lordship in the meintyme will be plesit to
inform the Dukis grace, that it is his honour and credeit to get bak thaise out-
ward customis to this castell for the vse foirsaid. Referring thir paxticularis
and the necessitie of the present reparatioun of the housis to zour Lordshipis
eonsideratioun, hoiping zour Lordship will hawe cair thairof, and that ane be
sent to vissit the same with ddigence in the meintyme, I hawe sent zour Lord-
ship the copie of the inventar receawit be the Justeice Clerk at his entrie, and
the copie of the inventar I receawit at my entrie according as Mr. William
Cochran, Schireff Deput of Renfrew, desyrit me in zour Lordshipis name ; that
zour Lordship may considdir of boith, and that the Justeice Clerk may be socht
and persewit for restitutioun of and reparatioun of quhat is deficient. Swa for
the present ceassing to trubill zour Lordship with langer lettir, my dewtie and
service rememberit, I tak my leiff, luiking to heir schortlie fra zour Lordship,
and restis,
Zour Lordshipis affectionat freind and kinnisman to serwe zow,
Dunbartane Castell, the 9 of Apryle 1634.
To my verie honorabill and speciall gud Lord,
the Erie of Traquaire, — Thaise.

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