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leist, quhair it is ; and quliair not, that the comissioneris setlit in the best
forme. No voyce in contrair heirof.
4. That scowlis be plantit, and parochinneris be stentit, and that all landis
of hospitalitie, and vthirwayes gevin or morgadgit to pious vses, be redactit to
the first vse.
Foe, the King.
5. His revoeatioun is maid and ratifiet, quhilk is particularlie at lenth sett
doun of all things done be him self or his predecessouris in prejudice of the
eroun and the lawis of the kingdome ; quhairin is anullit, all heretabill offices,
all erectiounes in temporahties, all regalities, except the regalities of churchmen,
as Glasgo ; and nothing revoikit of quhat they haiue for priviledge or bene-
feit in no kynd. And so no vthir regalitie bot it is revoikit, except the regalitie
of Bruchtoun, quhairin is the Cannongait, particularlie exceptit in favouris of
Iioxbrugh ; and all pensiounes and vtheris deidis done be him in prejudice of the
law and croun revokit, except the pensiounnes of the officeris of the croun.
6. The commissioun, submissioun and decreit following thairon ratifiet
and appro vin ; and that no teyndis be led quithir valuet or vnvaluet ; quhair
than is no valuatioun, that they pay the fyft of the present rent quhill the
constant rent be tryet be the Commissioun, and then they haiue the ease. And
that landis alreddie valuet, that it sail be in the optioun of the heritor to buy
or not ; bot if he buy not within two yeir, it sail be in the optioun of the
titular quither to sell or no thaireftir. And for that which is not as yit valuet,
that the ordiner course of valuatioun go on ; and eftir the valuatioun, to buy
within two yeir as befoir. And that if the tutouris neglect thair minouris bene-
feit, they sail haue actioun aganis thair tutouris for damnage ; the pryce of the
teynd as is contenit in the decreit ; with libertie to the titular to intromet with
his few deuties ay and quhill he be satisfiet. And it is declarit that the Kingis
giving way to thair intromissioun sail nawayes prejudge his right now esta-
blish^, nor yit establish any right to the superioritie or vthirwayes in thair
persoun ; and all then vassallis must cum and hold of the King. And becaus
it mil be expensive to pas the seallis, breive is ordanit to be directit, and sum
easie cours to be appoyntit be the Lordis of Excheker to that end.. And becaus
the regalities ar cum in, breve orclanit to be directit to the heid burgh of the

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