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the Lyoun and his herellis cliscoverit raid imediathe nixt to the Vicountis befoir
the Erles, with thair cottis of honor.
At the heid of Fosteris wynd thair wes a table of the haill Kingis yerie
weill done. At the end of the Lukenbuithes, quhah- his Maiestie haveing stayed
a whyle, first a spirit as it wer spak a litle, and promised to raise King Fergus
to his Maiestie ; wher efter he had reteirit himself, than cam forth King Fergus
in a mantill of rid taffetie, with twa litle boyes beiring vp his mantilL and thay
wer clad in yallow taffetie. King Fergus had the crowne vpone his heid, and
the scepter in his hand, and efter he had maid a litle speich, exhorting the King-
to, schewing, that if he walkit in the feir of the Godis and in
valour, his throne wold be establischeit to als manie generatiounes efter him as
wes befoir him, and than he reteirit himself.
Thairefter his Maiestie went one towardis the croce, both a meikle blak
fellow rydeing vpone a meikle punseon presenting Bacchus, and ane vther with
breid presenting Ceres ; one maid a litle speich thair alsoe ; in the nieine tyme
the croce ran out with wyne by the conduites thairof, this blak fellow drank,
brak gles and wes wid full thairefter.
His Maiestie cam downe to Parnases, quhair he gat musick and a litle
buik conteneina; the song of his Maiestie welcome to Scotland. This Parnasses
wes biggit in this maner, twa litle hillis of boird cullorit greine, and betuix the
twa a piramis ryseing in hicht to the tope of all the houssis, the maist part
overgilt, with a gless of water vpone the topp, and in the hill litle hollis maid
quhairin wes put birkis and holline, as they wer growing out of the hill.
Efter this his Maiestie goes forwert to the Nether Bow, quhair it wes maist
pleasant of all. The sevine planites, everie one according to than places, maid
a litle speich ; efter that his Maiestie went downe to the Abbay, and vpone
Munday his Maiestie went vp in coatch to the Castell.
Ther is cum the Polonian ambassadour and the Duik of Schimey ; and the
Pollis ambassadour seikis thrie thinges : first, that his Maiestie wold not assist
Suaiden against him in the reconquischeing of his awine land from Suaiden.
As for the vther twa, he hes not zit proponeit thame.
As for the forme of his Maiestie's coronatioun, I read it in presence of your
honour of befoir. The forme of their ryding wes in rankis alyke as is sayed,
bot their apperrell wes braive and staitlie.

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