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and ane thowsand double angellis thairin, the President of Sessioune's sone maid
a litle speich, and actit his pairt exceiding weill, and delyverit the keyis to his
Maiestie with the salver of silver and gold thairin.
Efter his Maiestie entrid Avithin the Port, thair wes vpone the south syd of
the gait saitis maid for the Provest and Baillies and vtheris of the towne
eounsall of Edinburgh, and thair thay arrois in thair rid robbis, furrit about the
rob of scarlet, and maid neir lyk the forme of Bischopis gownes. Thair Mr.
Alexander Guttherie maid a speiche to his Maiestie, and soe the towne with
the nobilitie marchit vp to the strait Bow in their rankis, with the towne guaird
about his Maiestie, all clade in whyt satine dublet, with partisanes in thair
At the strait Bow thair. wes thair one to mak a speich of Scotlandis re-
joiseing at his Maiestie cuming, and than wes painted Nimpha Callidonie ; and
this wes verie bonie and weill actit.
Thairefter thay marchit vp the Bow in their rankis, as said is, which rankis
wes as followes : —
The towne officeris cam vp the Bow first vpone foot ; nixt to thame such of
the towne eounsall as wes' clad in robbis, vpone foot alsoe ; nixt to thame the
trumpeitouris, being 14 in number, with thair maist royall flagis at than trum-
pettis, and weill apparellit, everie one vpone hors ; nixt to thame the Pro-
vest of Edinburgh, with the grand mes, in his rid robe, rydeing vpone hors,
rydeing his alone ; nixt to him the Lordis, twa and twa ; nixt to thame the Erles
eldest sones ; nixt to thame the Vicountis ; nixt to thame the Erles ; nixt to
thame the Erie of Arrall, beirer of the sword, imiediathe befoir his Maiestie
wpone the ryt hand, and the Duik of Lennox vpone the left. His Maiestie raid
alone, his apparell being all claith of gold, and his hors deckit with fetheris, and
in the maine fullie with ribbens.
Efter his Maiestie raid the Marqueis of Hammiltoune vpone the richt
hand, and the Erie of Holand vpone the left, apparellit with claith of siller all
discoverit ; efter thame the Kingis guard, consisting of threttie or four and
threttie brave tald men with the Kingis liverae vpone thair bakis, which wes of
scarlet, with syd taillis, haveing six barris of blak welvet round about thame, and
above the taillis wrocht round about with massie siller overgUt with gold, with
partisanes in thair handis, all lykwayes vpone hors ; (and quhilk I haile forgot,)

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