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to zour fathir. I think my clayis can nocht be lang, in respec of the [sorrow]
that is at my hart : and gif it cum schortlie, I lewe John my sone to zour
honour, nocht clowting hot ze will do for him as ane puir membir desendit of
zour hous ; I hawe send for him, gif he be alyfe to gif me sum comfort, because
I am now comfortles. Sua to the nixt occatioun, or our meiting, the quhilk I
hoip sell newir be, I tak my lewe, beseikmg God that how lang I lewe that I
may heir of zour honouris grit honour and the Weill and standing of zour hows
and esteit ; and sua restis, zour honouris serwand to be commandit to daithe
John Maxwell of BarfilL
Barfill the thrid of Agust, 1629.
To the honorabill and my mast special! guid freind, Sir John Maxwell of
Polk, Knyckt. Theis.
Me. William Maxwell, Advocate, Edinburgh, to Sir John Maxwell
of Pollok, 20th September 1629.
207. Rycht honorable, according to my dewti, I resolved, efter this last Counsell
day, to advertise your worship of four things quhilk wer doune in CounseU
at this tyme. And first, tuiching the approbatioune of the 4 decreits laitlie
signed be his Maiestie, quhilk his Maiestie wold have by consent of the Coun-
sell proclamed, the Lords of Counsell hes approven the samyne, and ordainit
thame to be proclameit : and for the tenor of thame, your vorship shall resave
heir with ane paper severally concerning the same. Thai ar to be proclameit
this day. Secundly, concerning the Marques of Huntlie, his lettres direct by
his Maiesti to the Counsell, it is not of that tenour as is commonly reported ;
for it beires only this in narrative — That his Maiestie is informed that the
Marques is villing to geive all satisfactioune to the doctrinne and disciplinne of
the Kirk : as lykwayes hes promised to his Maiestie, and fund cautioune, vnder
the paine of defamatioune, not to cary himself scandalouslie, nor to resaive nor
heave companie with seminary preists and Jesuits, in contrair the lawis and
acts of parliament maid in favouris of the Kirk of Scotland : therefor his

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