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Sir John Maxwell of Pollok to Me. William Olephant, Advocate,
9th June 1589.
1(37. Rycht Honorable Sir, eftir my verrie hairtle commendatiouns. Pleis wit I
am summundit of new to the xi of this instant Juni, quhilk sumundis ze sail
resaif togidder with the first and the decreit, quhilk it will pleis zow peruse in
defence of the pley gif it be callid. It "noil pleis zow desyre the parttie persewar
to instruct thair sumundis, and to desyre quhair my lord Symple is entiritt
as air to his foirgrandscher, quhoni to the allegit dischairge and renunciatioun
of reversioun was gifine and granttid. My Lord Symple [is] vneentirit as zit
to ony of his predicessoris, and at the home, quhairof he will nocht be relaxit.
Quhat farther zour wisdome can try out be the informalitie of the summundis, I
doubt nocht bot ze will remembh' the sayme, and delay tyme to my cuming to
Edinburghe, quhilk salbe, God willing, the sevinttine or xviii of Junj instant.
The rest to zour aduerteisment or meitting remittis : Committis zow to the pro-
texioun of the Almychtie God. From the Haggis, the ix of Junj 1589.
Zour luifing freind alwayis till vse,
Johnne Maxwell of Nether Pollok, Kny 4 -
To the Rycht Honorabill my weilbeluifit freind, Mr. William Olephant,
aduocatt, delyuer this.
Sir John Maxwell of Pollok to a Magistrate (address wanting),
21st September 1589.
168. Forsamekle as I am credabbe informit that ze did incarseratt sum of my men
in to the towbuitht on Monunday last was, quhom I ondirstand haid of
nawayis offendit nor trwbiUit the toun, bott being reft and spwilzeitt of thair
guidis and geir be ane knaif callitt Burne and his complesis, on Saterday last
vas, quhome I onderstand is na offisar, nor zeit my men quhome fra the geir
was tane addetitt to ony, was ernist to haif steyit thair guidis and geir onreft

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