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had. Tharfor I will desyre zow, conforme to zour promes, to get the virgnelhs,
and gif thame to this berar ; and anentis the pryce of thame, the same salbe
as ze think reasonable, and salbe payit of the rediast dewteis to be vpliftit in
that cuntre. Ze sail lykewyis delyver the rest of the males of the Mernis to
this berar, gif it be gottin fra the tenentis. Nocht douting ze -will this do, I
omit all vthir thing to the nixt occasioun. Drumfres, this xx of November 1587.
Zour assurid frynd,
To the rycht honorable my gude frynd, the Lard off Nethir Pollok, Knycht.
[Sir John Maxwell of Pollok] to his Father- in-Law, William Cunninghame
of Caprintoun, January 1587.
162. Rycht honorabill and weilbeluifit father, eftir my herthe commendatioun.
Being informet that ze war nocht content with me that weseit nocht zow in my
by ganyng Cumnok, I being sa neir hand : Schir, I baud sice occatiounes at
that tyme as I mycht nocht be laysertt, as ze sail knaw at meiting. I was
informit zour soine, my gude brwtker, was deidLe seik, vthervayis I haid nocht
cum in the cuntrie. Gif in ony thing I haif owrsein my self, it salbe mendit
at zour plesour. My howis is neir ane end, (marie now) restis the reparrahng
within, quhilk is na lytill mater. Heirfor, Schir, being superexpencbt in that
with mony vther occatiounes, as the berar will declair zow, restis zour help,
quhairof I haid zour promeis, and that tyme callit zour howis, or vtherwais I
haid newer interprjisit sice ane work. I desyir that ze will lend me thrie bun

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