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hir serwand ; thairfoir I thocht gud till aduertise zow, gif the dait of zour
balzerey be afoir the dait of hir seising or noeht, and gif it be nocht, that the
law will compell zow. It is bettir to zow to gif to hir serwandis with gud will
nor be compellit be law. And this I thocht gud to adwertess zow as ane frend,
and sua committis zow to God. From the Mainis of Kilbryd, the xix day of
Be zour erne at command,
To the Rycht honorabill, and my erne, Schir Jhone Maxwell of Pook.
This be delyuerit.
John Maxwell, Younger of Pollok, to bis Father-in -Law, William
Cuninghame of Caprington, 28th December 1585.
158. Rycht honorabill Schir and weilbelouit fathir, eftir my hertlie commendationis.
1 writ to zow the tent of Maii last ves, makand mentioun that I wes schergit
to delywir the castell of Mernis within sax houris eftir the scherge, wndir the
pane of tressoun, quhilk scherge wes to my gret hindir, in respect I haid not
ane hous to trasport my geir into ; and now the sevintene day of December,
me Lord of Mortoun hes schergit me delywir the hous of the Mernis, and
dischergit me of my office, with ane contramand to the tenentis nawayis to
serwe or acknawlege me, quhilkis mair nor I lukit for in respect of my guid
service. Attour, I wes ernistlie writtin for be the Kingis Maiestie to cum to
Striweling, besyidis his Maiestie's proclimatioun, and according to the desyir of
his Maiestie's lettir I obayit ; quhair I and my servandis tint saxtene hors, with
all our ryding graith, quhilk will extend to mair nor fywe hunderith puindis to
my pairt or I be horsit and furnesit in ryding graith. Thir and sindrie wthir
occationis hes put me far behind, as I haf willid the beirer to communicat with
zow at guid lenth, quhilk wer tideus to writ. Quhairfoir, schir, in respect of
the occationis foirsaid, I man hemelie imploy zow and craif zour help, as I do
at all tymes quhen I haif occatioun, to len me fywe hunderith merkis for ane

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