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[John fifth] Earl of Athole to the Laird of Minto [Walter Stewart],
[c. 1584.]
156. Rycht traist frend, eftir oure haurtlie commendatione. We haif hard of the
monifold injuries and wrangis causles done be zour cousing, Niniane Stewart,
and his complices to oure natiwe cuntrey man, and cousing, Mr. Thomas Jack,
Wiccar of Eistwood ; first, in inwading and stieking of him and his wyf in
thair avin hows, re wing and taking away of thair dochter in wiolent maner ;
nixt, in perswit of his sone in law and his brethir, in hurting of sum of thame
on the calsay of Glasgw ; and last, in continewall persuit and inwasione of
him, of his slauchter, cawsing him thairby to abyd continewallie in his hows for
feir of his lyff : cmhilkis ar werie hanyows crymes, hauye to the puir man, our
cowsing, and worthie to be mislykit be all men of godlie behauiour and conwer-
satione. And hering that this Mr. Thomas, our cowsing, is alwayis innocent
of theyis trubles fallin owt, willing and redie to abyd the tryall of law, and
esteming zow ane fauorar of justice, inclynit to peax and quyetnes, we will
thairfoir desyr zow to caus zour cousing and his compleces foirbeir from forder
trubbng or inwasione of our cousing and his seruandis and freindis ; the rather
of oure requeist and desyr, and that he is ane minister of Goddis woord, quha
suld thairfoir the mair be reuerensit ; wtherwayis that ze will foirwame that
we mil not agre that he be forder trublit, bot will se redres and ordour tane
thairin as the offence demerittis. Howping alwayis that ze will lat our freind
and cowsing haif zour fauour and assistance in his just defence, as we sail be
redie and willing to be imployit be zow in lyk gryter quhen occasione salbe
offerit, quhairof ze salbe suir at all tymes. Sessing to truble zow.
Dorso. — " The copie of my Lord of Athollis wreting to the Laird of Minto.''
[Robert Lindsay] of Dunrod to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok,
19thMarche [c. 1584.]
157. Richt honorabill Schir, efter maist hartlie commendatioune. For sa mekill as
ouir Lady Mortoun hes wrettin to zow to delyuer the keis of the Mernis till

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