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zour sister's lyferent, vnknawin be my Lorde of Glasgw and me that this las,
zour sister dochter now present heir, was on lyue, and sua obtenit the rentall.
Bot I causit my Lorde of Glasgw to mak reseruatiowne in the rentall, that gif
thair was ony las on lyue, that thay sowld be satisfeit for thair kyndnes. And
now than is cum ane damesall, quha is sister to the last renteller, and desyris
to be rentallit, and I haue referrit the dissisiowne of that to my Lorde of Glas-
gwis hame cuminge. Attour, I am informit, that in cais scho obtene ony rychit,
scho will dispone it to vthers. Bot I sail do this far, that nathing sail be done
quhill ze be aduertesit. Ze sail caws send ouir zour maill with the nixt that
cumis betwix, togidder with the last discharge ; for I am nocht certane how
mony termes ar restand awand. Haueand na ferder occasioune, bot committis
zow to the protectiowne of Almychthie God. Frome Glasgw, the xvii of
Januar 1575.
Be zowris assurit at his power,
James Boyd of Hulherhille.
To the Richt honorable the Larde of Neddir Pollok, Knycht,
this delyuer.
Hugh third Earl of Eglyntoun to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok,
2d November 1576.
135. Honorabill Schir, eftir hartlie commendatioun. I ressauit zour lettre, and
toward zour anuel ze wrait of, according to my former lettre writtin to zow, I
left the same all in the tennentis handis, and ordanit my seruand, Andro
Nevin, to collect and inbring the same owt of thair handis to be dehuerit to zow.
And becaus I haue presentlie directit the said Andro Nevin to Edinburgh
with sum siluir to my Lordis Regentis grace ; thairfoir ze man haue patience
quhill the said Androis returne frome Edinburgh, and incontinent thaireftir I
sail caus mak zow payment of zour annuellis as reasoun wald, and ze salbe no
langir differit. Thus having presentlie no vther occasioun, committis zow in

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