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ansuer Iieirof, quhilk may be ane note of my dilligenee, committis zow to God.
Off Houstone, the xi day of Julij, be zowr assurid frend,
To my trest freind, Johne Maxwall of Pollok, Knycht.
George Heriot, elder, goldsmith, Edinburgh (father of George Heriot, junior,
founder of Heriot's Hospital), to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok, 12th
October [c. 1570.]
131. Rycht honarabill Schir, efter my hartle commendasyons. It vill pleis zow,
that aifter the sycht of your wryttein, that I haif send zow syk thyngis to waill
on, as I thynk sail serf your purpos this far. It will pleis to send bak syk geir
as ze tak not, betuein and xxv day of this instant moneth. Fyrst, it will pleis
zow to resaif zour nedill, weand thre crounis. The makin of it is xxx shillingis,
quhilk vill extend x lib. As to the hyngair I offerit zow for twa crounis and
ane half, apone my honaiste, ane gentill man of zour auun name coff it fra me
for thre crounis. Swa I thocht gud to send zow this vder hyngair, quhilk is,
at ane vord, thre crounis ; quhilk is viii lib. x s. As for taiblaitis, I haif nane
lychter nor this, quhilk veis twa angellis and xv grainis. The makin of it is
twa crounis : the haill of it is xv lib. xv s. Mair thair is ane hart, that veis
ane angell, vantane vi granis. The prys of it is vii lib. Mair ane ryng vith
ane casone, veaind ane croune luke. The haill of it vill cost fouur lib. x s. It
is of ane creim fasone. I vill promeis zov I gait xxxv s. for the peis makin of
that sort. This far I thocht gud to fill out zour memoreall in all thyngis that
I halcl. Is to ane pyk tuich, I vill promeis zow, I nader haif ane, nor culd fynd
ane to by for selleir. Is to zour auld taiblat, it is not abill to be mendit, in
raispaik it is sa febiil and vaik. jSTocht that I vill trubill zow with onne farder,
bot at it [vill pleis z]ow to send bak syk geir as ze tak no [agane the day]
apontit. This far I thocht gud to [ nocht] for zettane my

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