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Memfuird and Jonett Caithkart, his spous, the sowme of xl lib. monye of the
realme, quhilk sowme of fourtye lib. monye forsaid, the sammyn being payit as
saidis, it salbe allowit to zow in the rest of the monej that ze promest ws for
zour escheit, ye bringand tliis our acquiettans with zow for zour werrand, be
this our precept gevin and subscriujt with our hand, at Killmarronok, the xxiij
day of Marche in the zeir of God I m V c lxviij zeris.
Schir, ze sail resawe Hew Wallace discharge at the delyuere of the sowrn
aboine writtin, and keip it quhill ze and I maik compt together.
Sir Patrick Houston of that Ilk to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok,
11th July [c. 1570.]
130. Bycht trest freind, eftir my hartlie commendatiouns. I wait it is nocht
vnknawin to zow how that diuers of the nobilitie has nocht onelie interpryssit
the persut and revenge for vmquhile our souerane the Kingis Maiesteis mwrthour,
but als the keiping and defending of his Grace's sone, our Prence ; bot incaice
that sum disfaiwourairis, or thay quha wald nocht the said Prence rang our ws,
wakl resist or mak insurrectiounn aganeis the nobillis, interpryssarris foirsaidis,
als seing that ze can haue nane sa kyndlie nor native to rung nor beir reul our
zow, I thocht guid to gif zow aduertisment that ze war als reddie as vthiris
freimittar, to wit, vpone xxiiij houris wameing, accumpaneit with zowr honest
houshalcl, teinandis and seruandis in maist fenciable maner to pas quhair it
salbe thocht gud be the sadis Lordis for traualling and performeing of the
2-»remisis ; becaus it standis nocht onelie to zowr honour and confort, bot als to
the greit Weill of zow and zowr eftircumarris, quhairthrow als ze sail nocht onelie
procure thankis of the nobilitie foirnameit, bot als of zowr present native lord
and auld maistir, quhom, God willing, I think ze sail se schortlie heireftir.
This, that ze may allege! na ignorance for fait of wameing, and desyring zowr

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