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the Quene's Maiestie, our Souerane, and ane daye of meitting appoynted in
England, in the meane tyme all trubill and invasioun to ceis, quhilk we vnder-
stude thai that ar the Quene's Maiestie's fauoraris ar willing to keip. Quhairfore
ve pray zour lordschippe in respect of zour lordschippe's promese maid (as is
alledgit), as also for satisfeing of the said ordour takin, that zour lordschippe
will nocht be the first begynner to brek the same, bot will caus reforme the
foirsaidis, and restore the gentill man to his place, gudes, and geir, wyth his
seruand that is detenit ; and the same sell remane vpon the ground, to be
furthe cumancl. And nother the said lard, nor nane of the Quene's Maiestie's
fauoraris sell dispone or tak awaye the same, wnto the tyme that ordour be
takin thairanent : quhairvpon my Lord Flemyng sell becum cautioun, the
premisses being fulfilled. And heirvpon we desyre zour lordschippe's ansuer.
To the quhilk we refer the rest. And the eternall God haif zour lordschippe in
his keipping. Off Dunbriton Castell, the viii daye of September 1568.
Dorso. — The copie of ane wryting direct be the Lordis, of Dunbriton Castell,
in favouris of the Lard of Nether Pollok, to my Lord Erie of Glencarne.
Alexander third Earl of Glencarn to the Archbishop of Saint Andrews,
the Lords Eoss and Fleming, 9th September [1568.]
126. My Lordis, eftir my hartlie conrmendationis. I haif resaueit zour lettir this
Thurisday at eftir noine ; and as consernyng the narratywe of the Layrd of
Pollok Maxvell, that he hes maid wnto zour Lordschippis consernyng my soine,
in taking of his guyddis and geir, and in taking of ane seruand of his, callit
James Tempiltoun ; my lordis, my soine hes doine na thing thairintill bot be my
command, heweing the said Lard of Pollokis escheit of lang tym bygaine, for
being at the home for noncomperance to ane day of law that he wes somondit
vnto, for coming aganis the awthoritie at the fylcl of Langsyd, and for arte and
pert of sic slawchtir as wes maid vpoine the kyngis leigeis at that tym, as is
conteynit in our souerane Lordis letters to that effect. My Lordis, I haif beine
thankfull to the Lard of PoUok in tymis bygaine ; and wald haif contennovit
in guyd mynd towarttis him, alsweill in sparing of his geir as ony vther thing

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