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or wthirwayis to mak ane dres with the tresourar, and for rny panis ze sail
recompance. For ansueir, the panis that I haif tane bygane till do zow guid,
schir, was to that effect, that ze sould, in tymes cuming, be ane obedient soget
to our Sowirane Lord and his authoritie, of the quhilk I find na mentioun in
zour wrytting. And gif ze do nocht the dewtie of ane soget to zour Prence, I
haif donn allradie, in my labouris, mair nor my dewtie, and cane nocht inter-
pryis to labour fardar in zour caus, at na hand ; of the quhilk, schir, ze man
apardonn me gif my labouris haid nocht bene, haid bene put in the rank with
thame that was sommonit for greitar causis nor zour lettrris buir that ze was
somonet with. And for fardar ansueir of zour wrytting I can gif, nane will I
adwyis with my Lord Regent quha, I think, will cowne me lytill thank for the
labouris that I haif tane in tyme bygane. And this I bid zow fair well. Of
Killmaronok, the first day of August.
Zour frend hithirto,
To ane honorabill man, the Lard of Nether Pollok.
The Lords of Privy Council, then in Dunbarton Castle, [to the Earl of
Glencarn,] in favour of the Laird of Pollok, 8th September 1568.
125. My Lord, efter hartlie commendations. This present selbe to aduertisse zour
lordship that the lard of PoUok hes menit vnto ws that the Maister, zour
lordshipe's sone, hes causit tak his gudes and intromett with his hows and
geir this last Sondaye, and hes takin the gudes of his ground and transportit
thame, and presentlie is melland and disponand vpon the cornis off his manis,
and hes causit tak ane of his seruandis, callit Andro Tempiltoun, quha is zit
detenit captiue, notwithstanding that zour lordschippe had promesed to his wyfe
(as he alledges) to stand his freynd, and to mell wyth nane of his gudes nor
houssis to his hurt ; and that he had zour lordschippe's assurance to his self
and his seruandis to pas and repas but harme. And sen it is not vnknawin to
zour lordschippe of the general! ordour takin be the Quene of England wyth

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