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And fra that I persavit that I culcl nocht obteyne my entent of my maister, I
haif translatit my mynd, and hes refarrit the haile cans to his avne discressione,
for he is wys eneuch to regard his quenciance and honor inane gretar mater. I
wyll haif na forder mellyng thairwytht ; for, insafer as I haif mellit thairwytht,
I haif mair dishonor nor honor. Thairfor I wyll hinder na person quhilk may
be contranis to my maisteris profet, and honor and quenciance, as vald God,
quha haif zow in his blissit keipping. Of Paslay, be zour freind at power,
Robart Lord Sympyll.
And quhair ze vraite to me to meite my Maister Maxvell the morne be
ix houris befoir none, I beleif and his Maisterschip had ony thing in mynd that
I mycht do hyru plesur tkairintill, he vald haif vrittin hymself : and geif he
had sa done, I wald glaidly haif met his Maisterschip, and ryddyn with hym
salange and quhair he had plesit within the realme.
To his veilebelouit nychtbur, the Lard of Necldyr Pollok.
Janet Lady Darnley to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok, 13th June [c. 1560.]
117. Traist freend, efter maist hartlie commendacione. This pressent salbe to
aduertes zow that I haif sene zour wrytteing, and hes mad zour excus to my
lord, conforme to zour dessyre. Thankand zow hartlie of zour kynd offor,
nochttheles I woll nocht requyr the sammyng at this tyme ; bot gyf I haif ado
effter our departteing of this contray, I woll cherg zow baffor ony vther, and,
God welleng, I sail kep my clay. As anent zour bessines, I sail do thairin that
lyis in my pouar, baith in that bahalf or ony vther theng that ze haif ado. I
raffer the rest my mynd to zour frend Thomas Forret, and God kep zow. Of
Cruxtoune, the xiii day of Junne,
Be zouris at all pouar,
fj *— *C* ^a*$y Q*<L*je~r
To her gud frend, the Lard of Nedder Pook.

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