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James Sympill of Beltreis, to King James vl, 20th September 1599.

37. Pleis your Maiestie, I receaved the 15th of this at none your Hienes lettres,
in so secreit and gratious a manner, that if there had bene any pairt of me not
wholly devoted as dew to your Maiesties service, itt had quickened, and quickly
sett the same on worke ; whereby I am so well pleased that no thing hath
displeased your Maiestie that I think God hath by your Hienes gratious fauour
towards me, so largely recompensed my bypast services, that I account my self
advaunced for that whiche is to come ; so that, in one word, I must say (and
so hope I to prove), as said David — Zelus domus tue, &c. In my former lettres
to your Maiestie, I asked mo questiouns then ather I was altogether ignorant
of, or yett had passed without pertinent aunsuers, as Ashfeilds meting with your
Hienes servands, your alleged complayning to Denmarke &c. But having
deserted purpois with her Maiestie vpoun weghtier poynts, I thought best to
crave your hienes advyce also in thes, whose jugement I have so oft experi-
mented to be in all subiects more then natureU, I wishe if so I mio'lit in the
smallest doubts to have your hienes resolutioun : Although I hope as yett,
where suddaneties craved quicknes, I have bene found als sharpe as Sempill.
I shall reid and ouerreid your Maiestie's lessouns, and doutles having no less
then princes, and suche princes to my preceptours, I must prove a scholar. I
know the least circumstances will instruct, and oftymes, with much adoe, passed
that word circumstances amongst ws, wherein I fand her Maiestie more rheto-
rical! then logicall for she affermed still to cutt me af, that there was no other
circumstance bot that a Villaine wes caried from Scotland to Ingland and that
she avowed, I shew her, that wes the actioun it self having the place of a sub-
stance ; the circumstances whereof wold declare how, where, when, by whome,
and to what end it apperandly wes done. I can say lytle of Ashfeild's hard
vsage as yett, whiche if it continew, will perswade me muche that he is there
owne sowis pig, for if he had snappered as they say, he shall doutles suffer for
itt ; bot things ar kept very close heir, and yett for all there subtilities, the
harts of the people can nocht be withdrawen as appeirs. For on fryday 14th
came there a Scott to me bearing credeit by tung from one of the Nobilitie,
who in regaird of the affectioun he bare to your Maiestie tuik vpoun him the

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