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wolde secretlie departe, was his surety conioyned both with her honour and
ours, alwayes: without anye offence to him eyther in worde or deede.
The consideration [ccetera desunt.1
James Sympill of Beltreis, to King James vl, 15th September 1599.
36. Pleis your Maiestie, there came to me on Weddinsday the xii of this, a Scott
vnknowen heir, serving a lady at court thir fyve yeirs, the lady Kyldares
wedow, whome I wold have suspected as sent of purpos, if I had nocht found
him of cours witts, and his meaning to be only to sie his freendis at Scotland
about Christines, and so by me to pas, and be honored with your Maiesties
presence whome he neuer yett did sie. And even this next morning hath he
interrupted my lettre by sum of his ladyes preserve meits whiche he came for
to Londoun for her ordinarie bed breckfast, becaus she ryseth sone be ten a
clock, as he sayeth. He is a very kynd young one, and hath for Scotsmen's
causs had sundry fyghts with Inglis men at court. His name is Dicksoun,
borne by Dunfreis. He assureth me muche of his ladyes kyndnes toward your
Hienes and people ; whiche I better beleve in respect of the circumstances of
tyme, place, persouns, and purpois deduced by him ; specially in a disput at
dinner in her father's hous, my lord Admirall with his sister anent your Maies-
ties successioun, being asked why she would a Scott succedet, ansuered, becaus
so God wolde ; and agane, if she knew nocht the law made by King Henry
anent outlandische successors, ansuered, Kings make lawes, but God maketh
Kings. Judge yow (Sire) if this wes nocht well pleaded. She is in guid grace
with her Maiestie, and presented the knyf the day of my acces for openyng
your Hienes' lettres ; a veiy fyne lady, and reported very well of my behauiour
at table therefter, although my presence made thame all los their dinner for
attendance. My lord Cobhame, wardane of Cincme Ports, suteth her in
At her Maiesties returning from Hamptoun Court, the day being passing
foull, she wold (as hir custume is) go on horsback, although she is skars able to
sitt vprygkt, and my lord Hunsdane said, it wes not meete for ane of her

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