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Quarto die mensis Marcii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo trigesimo nono, Dauici
Woid de Craig, rotulator supremi domini nostri regis, et Jacobus Lermonth de Bawcomy
moniti sunt, ex suis propriis confessionibus, sub pena excommunicationis submittentes se nostre
jurisdiotioni in hoc casu, couiunctim et diuisim renunciando beneficio diuisionis, et renunciando
omnibus priueligiis seu exemptionibus sibi seu eorum alteri concessis aut concedendis, ad
releuandum et indempnem seruandum retroscriptum reuerendum patrem ad manus retroscripti
Jacobi Grant, de singulis contentis in retroscripto contractu, necnon ad faciendam et impon-
endam exactam diligentiam ad manus supremi domini nostri regis ad causandum dictum
Jacobum renuntiare retroscripto coutractui et eiusdem dissolutioni.
Ita est Alexander Sinclare notarius in premissis.
241. Instrument of Protest by Patrick Bishop of Moray, that he had granted feu-
farms of certain lands in Strathspey to John Grant of Ballmdalloch and Patrick
Grant of Dalvey under compulsion. 5th March 1539.
In Dei nomine amen : Per hoc presens publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat euidenter
quod anno incarnacionis Dominice millesimo quingentesimo trigesimo nono mensis vero
Marcii die quinto, indictione decima tercia, pontificatus sanctissimi in Christo patris et domini
nostri domini Pauli diuina prouidentia pape tercii anno sexto ; in mei notarii publici et
testium infrascriptorum presencia Jacobus Leirmonth de Darsy, magister familie regis, et
Dauid Wod de Crag, rotularum computator regis, accesserunt nomine serenissimi principis
Jacobi quinti Scotorum regis ad presenciam reuerendi in Christo patris Patricii Morauiensis
episcopi commendatariique perpetui de Scona, et dixerunt ac nunciauerunt eidem nomine'
regio prout sequitur in vulgari : That his grace requirit and commandit the said reuerend
fadir, nochtwithtstanding the contract maid betuix him and James Grant of Fruchquhy, to set
the said James and vtheris sevin persones of his surname contenit in the said contract, all
and haill the landis and barony of Strathspey in few ferme, as the said contract beris in the
self, to sett in few to Johne Grant of Ballindallocht the landis of Adwie, Tullichane.
Callader, Buror,and Aduoky, and to Patrik Grant, his brothir, the landis of the townis of Dalvey
and myllin of the samyn, witht the thirl] multuris and sukkin of all and haill the landis
and townis of Auchnahandycht, Mikrath, Neddersularge, Ouersularg, Kincard, Culnikill.
Ardynch, witht the croftis of the samyn, and Lagar pertenyng to the said maling, quhilkis
landis ar ane partt of the landis of the barony of Strathspey. The said reuerend fadir
ansuerit and prayit thame to schaw the kingis grace that he wes contrackit, oblist, and
moneist to sett the haill landis of the said barony of Strathspey to the said James and sevin
vtheris contenit in the said contract, and schew the samyn to the saidis James and Dauid,
the saidis kingis familiaris, subscriuit witht the saidis reuerend fadir and James Grantis

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