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be commissioun of Rome in sickyr forme to the said James and his airis, swa that he and
tha, and wther sevin persones and thair airis withtin writing may be maid sickir be ressone
of the saidis infeftment offerit to the said James Grant and his airis, and in cais the
said James or his airis refusis to ressaue the saidis infeftmentis maid in sickir dew forme, in
this cais the said James oblisis him and his airis to pay to the said reuerende fadir, his airis
and assignais, the sovme of four thousand merkis withtin writing, swa that the saidis in-
feftmentis be offerit at the terme withtin writing of Michaelmes nixt to cum, witht all wther
interes the said reuerende fadir or his seige of Murray may recover upoun the said James,
his airis, executouris, and assignais, for non fulfilling of all and sindry the pontis contenit in
the said contract concerning the said James, and in cais the said reuerende fadir offeris
nocht the saidis infeftmentis as said is, betuix the dait heirof and the Fest of Michaelmes
nixt to cum to the said James, conforme to the contract withtin writing, in this cais the
said James and his airis salbe fre of the payment of the said four thousand merkis bot as
is withtin writing concerning his takis ; in witnes of the quhilk thing baitht the saidis parteis
hes subscriuit this present appontment with thair lmndis at Edinburght, day, zeir, and witnes
withtin writing.
Patricius Morauien. Epus. et de Scona Commendatarius manu propria. [Et sum
contentus moneri vt infra, renunciando omni priuilegio. Pa : Morauien. Epus.]
James Grant of Fruquhy, witht my hand.
Providing allwais that the saidis sevin persones to quhom the infeftment is to be maid
as is withtin writing salbe chosin be the said James, quhilk the said James oblisis him to
cheis and name at Edinburght, day and place aboun writing.
Pa : Morauien. Epus.
James Grant of Fruquhy, witht my hand.
Episcopus Morauiensis.
Die dominica vltima mensis Februarii anno Domini m°v c xxxix°, indictione xiij, ponti-
ficatus domini Pauli pape tertii anno sexto, reuerendus in Christo pater dominus Patricius
Episcopus Morauiensis, motu proprio, et contemplatione serenissimi domini nostri regis, est
contentus renuntiare presenti contractui, et eiusdem dissolutioni, quo ad partem suam con-
sentiit, in casu quo Jacobus Grant, alter contrahens, pro parte sua, similiter dissolutioni eiusdem
consenserit, et non alias aliter nee aliomodo : Et desuper dictus reuerendus pater a me notario
publico subscripto petiit instrumentum et instrumenta : Acta erant hec Edinburgi Sancti
Andree diocesis in domo reuerendissimi domini Cardinalis hora quinta post meridiem vel
eocirca. Testibus reuerendissimo domino Cardinali, Episcopo Brechinensi, Domino Alexandre
Abbate de Cambuskynnet, Magistris Henrico Quhite decano Brechinensi, Johanne Weddale
officiali Laudonie et Boberto Galbrath rectore de Spot et diuersis aliis.
Ita est Jo : Lauder notarius in premissis rogatus manu propria scripsit.

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