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and stable without reuocatioun : Eeseruand all wayis to ws and our successouris the fermis,
malis, canis, dewteis and seruice of the saidis landis aucht and wont, conform to the euidentis
maid thairupone of auld : In witnes of the quhilkis, to thir our letteris subscriuit with our
hand our seill is affixit, at Balnamone, the xix day of Februare, the zeir of God j m v c lxxiij
zeris, before thir witnes, Eobert Cullace of Balnamone, Robert Cullace zoungar his sone,
Jhone Greg, James Bamsay, Jhone Meldrum, with vtheris diuerss.
W. Abbot of Kinloss.
145. Letters of Charge by King James the Sixth to abstain from cutting and destroying
the woods, dykes, etc., belonging to John Grant of Freuchie. 13th March 1573.
James be the grace of God King of Scottis, to our louitt messengeris, our scherreffis in
that part, coniunctlie and seueralie, specialie constitute, greting : Forsamekle as it is humilie
menit and schawin to ws be our louitt Johnne Grant of Frewchye, that quhair he hes the
landis and barronye of Vrquhart, with the woddis and forrestis thairof, callit the Forrest
of Clwnye, pertening to him in heretage, lyand within our schirrefdome of Inuernes,
and for the conxmoun wele and polecye of our realme hes maid gritt travellis, coistis and
expenssis vpoun the dyking, parking and haning of the grene wod and growand treis and
medois within the samin, to the effect the saidis grene wod, growand treis thairof and haning
thairintill, suld nocht be cuttit doun nor onyewyis destroyit be onye of our liegis ; neuirtheles
the tennentis, inhabitantis and occupiaris of his landis and barronye of Vrquhart, with
diuerss vtheris our liegis and subiectis, haifand thair rowmes, landis and stedingis neir
adiacent to the said Johnnis woddis and forrestis, alswele be day as vndir scilence and cloude
of nycht, brekis doun and destroyis the dykis, parking and haning thairof, makis entres to
thame selfis, thair hors, cattell and guidis thairintill, and nocht onlie cuttis doun, destroyis
and spuilzeis the growand treis of the saidis woddis and forrestis, bot als with thair hors,
cattell and guidis foirsaidis, eitis, scheris and destroyis the medois, gers and haning within
the samin, and on nawyis will desist and ceis thairfra, without we and the lordis of our
counsale provyde scharp remeid thairto in dew tyme, as is allegeit : Oure will is heirfoir, and
we charge zow straitlie and commandis that, incontinent thir oure letteris sene, ze pas and in
our name and auctoritie command and charge all and sindrie the tennentis, occupiaris and
inhabitantis of the landis and barronye of Vrquhart, and all vtheris our liegis haifand thair
landis, rowmes and stedingis neir adiacent to the said Johnnis woddis and forrestis of
Clwnye, in generale, and be thair names in speciale, quhais names he sail giff to zow, in bill,
oppinlie at thair paroche kirkis, and all and sindrie vtheris oure liegis be oppin proclamatioun
at the mercat croce of oure burgh of Inuernes and vtheris places neidfull, that nane of thame
tak vpoun hand owthir oppinlie or priuelie, be day or nycht, to cutt doun, destroy, spuilze,
nor tak away the grene wod and growand treis of the saidis woddis and forrestis, nor

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