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afald and plane pairt with the said Colene and his airis, in resisting or requyting . . . the
same aganis the said Hew and his airis, as giff [the] said extorsioun wer done to the said
Johne, his [airis, kin, freindis] or seruandis, all exeuis, fraud and gyill secludit [and away]
put, vnder the pane forsaid : And for obs[eruing] . . . forsaidis indentouris and band, and
lesting weill ... off Fruquhy and Kintaill in tyme cuming . . . teis oblesis and astrictis
thair airis vnder . . . forsaid that quhat tyme or quhousone ony off . . . entrit in and
to thair landis, and beis requerit be the other partie to renew, ratine and appreiff this
present in[dentour and] band that thai sail renew and subscryve the same, conform to the
generall claussis concerning this present band ... in the contract maid betuix the saidis
pairteis the day immediat preceding the dait heiroff. In witnes quhairoff, bayth the saidis
pairteis lies subscryuit this present band and indentour with thair propir handis, day, zeir
and place forsaidis, befoir thir vitnes, honorabill and discreit men, Patrik Grant of Daluey,
Mr. Archibald M c Gregour in Tullochgrumen, Mr. Thomas Austean and Mr. Thomas Gordoun,
notar publict, with otheris diuerss. Johne Grant of Fruquhy.
Colyne M c Kenze of Kyntaill.
144. Letter of Concurrence by Walter Abbot of Kinloss, for comprising the lands of
Hauchis from Bessie Gordon, relict of Thomas Baillie of Ardneidlie, to Thomas
Meldrum of Aden. 19th February 1573.
Valter be the permissioun of God abbot of Kynloss and ourlord to the landis vnderwrittin,
mackis manifeist and declaris be thir presentis to all and sindrie quhome it efferis, that
Thomas Meldrum of Aden hes obtenit ane decreit before the schirreff of Bamff, decerning
and ordining Bessie Gordown, relict of vmquhill Thomas Bailie of Ardneidlie, to content and
pay to the said Thomas the sowme of sewin hundert fourescore audit lib., audit schillingis,
money of this realm, as in the said decreit at mair lentht is contenit, of the dait the penult
day of Nouember, the zeir of God j m v°lxxij zeris : And becauss of inlaik of mowabill geir
pertenyng to the said Bessie, stranzeable for the said sowme, the said Thomas Meldrum hes
obtenit preceptis of the said schirreff, with letteris of our souerane lordis, be deliuerance of
the lordis of Sessioun, to denunce hir landis, coniunctfeis, lyfrentis or terces, to the awaill
and quantitye of the said sowme ; and in speciall the landis of Hauchis, pertenyng to hir in
coniunctfee, lyand within the parrochin of Keyth and schirrefdome of Bamff : And becauss
the saidis landis of Hauchis lyis within our regalitye of Kynlos, and is haldin of ws as
ourlord thairof, we, be the tennour heirof, for ws and our successouris, is content and be thir
presentis consentis, that the saidis landis witli the pertinentis, ellis denuncit as said is, be
sufficientlie and ordourlie, at the instance of the said Thomas, comprisit conforme to the
tennour of the saidis decreit, precept and letteris of our souerane lord past thairupone ; and
quhat beis rychtuislie and lauchfullie done thairintill, we and our successouris to hald ferm

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