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tiounes moving ws, we haif erectit, maid, constitut, and creat the said compleneris
toun and burgh, of Fraserburgh, with the haill landis lyand within the boundis of
auld callit Faythlie, and all thair pairtis, pendicles, and pertinentis quhatsumeuer,
togidder with the tour and fortalice of the said burgh, with the wyndmylnis and
wattermylnis of the same, and loch thairof; and with all and sindrie houssis,
biggingis, zairdis, landis, tenementis, zairis, aikeris, ruidis, toftis, croftis, outsettis
pairtis, pendicles, and pertinentis thairof, with the haill collegis and vniuersiteis
within the same, in ane fre port and heavyn, and in ane fre burgh of barrony, and
in ane fre regalitie, with fre chapell and chancellarie, with all prevelegis, immwni-
teis, and jurisdictiones of ane fre regalitie, to be callit the burgh, port, heavyn,
and regalitie of Fraserburgh, perpetuallie in all tyme cuming, and with speciall
and full power to the said complener, his airis male and assignais, to mak, elect,
constitut, and creat baillies, thesaurar, dene of gild, counsall, burgessis, fremen,
seriandis, and quhatsumever vtheris officeris and rewlaris neidfull within our said
burgh, for the rewling and governament of the same, and to elect, chuse, imput,
and output the saidis baillies, thesaurar, dene of gild, counsall, and vtheris officeris
in the saidis offices zeirlie, and to depose thame for ressonabill caussis als oft and
sa oft as the said complener sail think expedient; and with speciall and full
power also to the saidis burgessis and fremen of our said burgh dewlie electit,
chosin, ressavit, and admittit to the fredome thairof, now present and that sal-
happin to be for the tyme, to pak and peill, and within the same burgh and fre-
dome thairof to by and sell wyne and walx, clayth, lynning and wolne, braid and
narrow, and all vtheris kyndis of marchandrice and stapill guidis ; and lykwys to
hald, admit, and ressave within our said burgh baxteris, browsteris, fiescheouris,
fische selleris, tailzeouris, cordineris, wobsteris, walkeris, wrychtis, smythis, and
all vtheris craftismen necessar pertening and belanging to the libertie of ane fre
burgh, with power lykwys to the saidis craftismen, burgessis, and fremen, and thair
successouris, to vse and exerce the saidis craftis als frelie as ony vther fremen and
burgessis within, our realme ; and als with power to the said complener, his airis
male and assignais, and to the saidis burgessis and fremen of our said burgh and
thair successouris, to big and hald within the same burgh ane tolbuyth and
market croce, and tua market dayes oulklie, vpone the Mononday and Satterday,
with tua fre fairis twyse in the zeir, videlicet, Sanct Michaelis day and Sanct
Johnnes day (the Baptist), with prevelege to hald market at ilk ane of the

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