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moditeis appertening thairto ; and for the better performing of the premissis, and
for the said Sir Alexander Fraser of Fraserbrughe, knycht, his better securitie, our
said souerane lord and thrie estaitis ratifeis, apprivis, and confirmis the foirsaid in-
feftment maid and grantit to the said Sir Alexander, his airis maill and of tailzie,
the haill erectionis, vnionis, priuielegis, immwniteis, and liberteis coDtenit thairin-
till, quhilk his Maiestie and estaitis willis to stand as ane perpetuall and perfeit
securitie to the said Sir Alexander, his airis maill and successoris, conform to
the tennour of the said infeftment and mortificatioun abone expremit, of the dait
abone mentionat : And that the said infeftment, haill landis, priuelegis, and im-
mwniteis thairin contenit may remane with the said Sir Alexander, his airis
and successoris thairin mentionat, in all tymis cumming, newir to be quarrellit,
impedit, nor tane away be Act of Parliament, statut, ordinance, reuocatioun, or
vther forme of law, anent the quhilk his Maiestie and thrie estaitis foirsaidis dis-
pensis and reuokis, rescindis, cassis, and annullis all and quhatsumevir disposi-
tionis and rychtis of patronagis of the saidis beneficis, kirkis, or ony of tham,
maid to quhatsumevir vther persone or personis, and all and quhatsumevir
vther rychtis, titillis, and securiteis quhilkis in ony vayis may stay or impeid
the effect of thir presentis, mortificatioun, and erectionis foirsaidis : Eeservand
alvayis actioun to Hay of Vrie for the kirk of Cremound, gif ony rycht he
hes in and to the said kirk and teyndis thairof, to be procedit befoir the juge
ordinar, as accordis of the law. 1
39. Letters of Publication of the Privileges of Fraserburgh.
19th May 1601.
James, be the grace of God King of Scottis, to our louittis Gilbert Guthrie,
zounger, Linlythgow pursevant, messingeris, our schirreffis in that
pairt, couiunctlie and severallie, speciallie constitut, greating. Forsamekill as it
is humelie meanit and schawin to ws be our louitt Sir Alexander Fraser of
Phillorth and Fraserburgh, knycht, that quhair we, be our infeftment vnder our
greit seill, haif erectit and disponit to the said complener, his airis male and assig-
nais, heretablie, all and haill the said compleneris landis and leving in ane fre
barrony, and be the same infeftment, for dyveris greit respectis and gude considera-
1 Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 147.
VOL. II. 2 L

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