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(434) Page 256 -
For samekle as the said vmquliile Archibald Erie of Anguis havand respect to
the wele and preservatioune of the erldome of Anguis, landis, lordschippis,
and baroneys of Abirnethie, Kerymure, Jedburgh forest, Bonkle, and Prestoun,
Boithuile, with the regalitis thairof, the landis, lordschippis and baronyis of
Douglas, Craufurde-Douglas, alias Crawfurd-Lindsay, Thomptalloun, Selkirk,
with the castellis, touris, fortalices, maner places, ruilnis, multuris, woddis,
fischeingis, annexis, connexis, outseittis, partis, pendiclis, tenentis, tenandriis,
services of fre tenentis, aduocationis, donationis, and richtis of patronage of
kirkis, benefices, and chapellanriis of all and sindrie the saidis erldome, landis,
lordschippis, baronyis, and heretaigis quhatsumeuir, Hand within the realme of
Scotland, quhilkis myght pertene to him or his predecessouris of the said hous ;
and willing the samyn to remane with his awin suirname and airis maill of the
suirname of Douglass, be infeftmentis prouidit the same to vmquhill James
Douglas, than his lauchfull sone and apperand air maill, and to his airis mail]
lauchfullie to haue bene gottin of his body ; quhilkis failzeing, to the neirest and
lauchfull airis maill of the said vmquliile Erie Archibald quhatsumeuir, or
assignais ; be vertew of the quhilkis infeftmentis the said Archibald, now Erie of
Anguis, is lauchfullie retourit, enterit, and sesit air maill to the said vmquliile
James Douglas of all the foirsaidis erldome, landis, lordschippis, baronyis, and
regaliteis, with all their pertinentis, as is befoir said : And the said Ladie Mar-
garet, hir forsaidis spous and sone, perfytlie knawand the samyn to haue bene
done and procedit in maner and to the effect foirsaidis, and bering the like guid-
will, fauour, and zeill to the said house of Anguis and leving thairof abon writtin
to remain heireftir heretabillie with the said Erie of Angus and his airis maill
of the suirname of Douglas, be thir presentis ratefeis and apprevis, for hirself,
hir airis and posteritie, the foirsaidis infeftmentis, with the retouris, seasingis, and
all thingis followit and to follow thairupoun, to the said Archibald, now Erie of
Angus ; to the effect that he and the airis maill foirsaidis may brouke, jois,
and posseid the samyn heireftir heretabillie, and renuncis all actioun, title,
clame, interess, or ony vther richt quhatsumeuir that scho had, lies, or ony wys
may haue or clame in and to the foirsaidis erldome, landis, lordschippis, baronyis,
regaliteis, and vtheris abone specifieit, and all thair pertinentis, or ony part of
the samyn, guidis movable or vnmovable quhatsumeuir, throw or be deceis of
the said vmquhile Archibald Erie of Anguis, hir fadir, the said vmquhile James
his sone, or ony vtheris his or thair predecessouris quhatsumeuir, or ony vther
maner of way, and all actioun that sche or hir airis had, hes, or ony wis may

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