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that the said Elizabetht Auchinlek sail gif hir obligatioun on dew forme to the
said priores and connent, bindand hir and hir airis that thai sail nocht vex,
inquiet, stop, lat nor distrubill thaim, thair successouris nor factouris, in the peei-
able brouking, joising, lifting, ressaving nor vptaking of the foirsaid annuelrent of
tuenty pundis be na maner of vay in tyme to cum, vnto the tyine the samin be
lauchfully lousit and redemit eftir the tennour and effect of the said lettir of
reuersioun to be maid thairupoun, as is abone writtin : and gif the said Archibald
Douglas or his airis dois the contrar, as God forbeid, than, and in that cais, he or
his airis that makis the said vexatioun or distrublans sail content and pay zerlie to
the said priores and conuent of the said hous of Sanct Johnne, or thair succes-
souris, the sowme of fourty pundis of the said vsuall money, videlicet, ilk terme tuenty
pundis, and swa zeirlie and termly, to indur als oft and sa lang as the said vexa-
tioun, stop or distrublans be maid ; and this obligatioun to be extendit in the best
forme ; to the quhilk the said reuerend fader has consentit, and be thir present
consentis : and that all and sindry thir condiciones and appoynctmentis abone writ-
tin sail lelelie and treulie be obseruit, kepit and fulfillit in forme and effect foirsaid,
as said is, but fraud or gile, aythir party, videlicet, the said reuerend fader and Eliza-
betht Auchinlek, ar bundin, oblist and suorne, ilkane to otheris, be the faythtis
and treuthtis in thair bodyis, the haly euangeliis tuechit. Quequidem omnia et
singula suprascripta fideliter fore fienda et perimplenda, modo et forma predictis,
ambe partes hinc inde fideliter promiserunt michi notario publico subscripto per
extensionem manuum suarum dextrarum, omnibus fraude et dolo remotis, et nullo
juris remedio incontrarium qualitercunque proponendo : Super quibus omnibus et
singulis prefate partes hinc inde a me notario publico subscripto eiis fieri petie-
runt hoc presens publicum instrumentum seu publica instrumenta, vnum vel plura :
Acta erant hec in dicta capella Sancti Johannis Baptiste, hora duodecima in meri-
die vel eocirca, sub anno, mense, die, indictione et pontificatu quibus supra, pre-
sentibus ibidem honorabilibus viris, videlicet, fratre Johanne Adamsoun prouinciali
antedicto, magistro Thoma Bellenden, Archibaldo Boyd, preposito ecclesie colle-
giate de Dalkeytht, Johanne Bichertsoun, Henrico Douglas, Alexandro Cuming,
Thoma Balmannocht de eodem, Thoma Wod, domino Alexandro Boid, capellano,
et Jacobo Zowng, notario publico, testibus ad premissa vocatis pariter et rogatis.
Et ego Alexander Makneyll clericus Sanctiandree diocesis, publicus auctori-
tate sacra apostolica notarius, quia premissis [etc. in forma communi].

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