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is in siclik caisis to be done ; the quhilk acting anent the payment of the said four
skoir of pundis to the said Elizabetht indurand hir naturall lif foirsaid sail nocht
extend apone the saidis persones quhilkis beis actit for payment thairof quhill the
space of twa zeris nixttocum be bipast, becaus Johne Straithauchane is bundin to
the said Elizabetht for the said payment indurand the said twa zeris ; to the
quhilk the said lord bischop consentis be this appoynctment, and sail nocht dis-
trubill the said Johnne for payment thairof. Item, the said Elizabetht Auchinlek
of hir awin fre will has consentit, and be the tenour of thir presentes, consentis
that the said reuerend fader be gouernour and tutour to the said Archibald
Douglas hir sone, and transferris in the said reuerend fader, all richt that scho has
or may haif thairto be ony maner of way in tyme tocum : and attour, the said
Elizabetht sail mak the said Archibald, hir sone, hir verray lauchfull and vndoutit
assignay to the lousing and redemyng of the foirsaid haill landis and barony of
Kemnay, with tennand and tennandry thairof, in the best forme, and sail deliuer to
the said bischop of Dunkeld, as tutour and gouernour to hir said sone, the lettir
of reuersion, and all other letteris and euidentis that scho has or can get maid
apone the lousing and redemyng of the saidis landis and barony. Item, it is
appoynctit that the said lord bischop of Dunkeld, incontinent eftir he be tutour
to the said Archibald, he sail gif ane sufficient lettir of quitclame and discharge,
vndir his seile and the said Archibaldis, to the said Elizabeth, of all males, fermes,
proffectis and dewiteis quhilk scho has tane vp of the landis of Braidwod and
Grenane, and all other landis that pertenit to the said vmquhill "Williame Douglas,
hir spous, witht the quhilk scho has intromettit, or has vptane the proffeitis thairof,
be ony maner of way, befor the day of the dait of thir presentes ; and, inlikuis,
of all gudis of airschipe quhilk the said Archibald hir sone may ask at hir be ony
maner of way, as said is ; alsua, it is appoynctit that the said Elizabetht sail haif to
hir fre dispositioun the haill males, proffeitis and dewiteis of all and sindry the
foirsaid landis and baronyis of Glenberwy, Barras and Kymnay, myllis and all
other proffeitis and dewiteis thairof quhatsumeuir of the terme of Sanct Martin in
wintir nixt tocum, eftir the dait of thir presentes, but ony impedment, stop, lat,
or demand of the said reuerend fader, or ony other into his name quhatsumeuir :
and attour, it is appoynctit that the said reuerend fader sail nocht caus nor coun-
sall the said Archibald Douglas to mary with na party indurand the tyme that
he salbe his tutour, without the avis and consent of the said Elizabetht his
modir, and sail persuaid and counsall the said Archibald, in sa fer as he can, to
mary with the consent and avys of his said modir : And attour, it is appoynctit,

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