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180. Discharge by John Lord Hay to George Master of Angus for
part of the dowry of Elizabeth Douglas. 19th March 1511.
Be it kend til al men be thir present letteris, me, Jhone Lord Hay of Zestir, til
haf resauit fra ane noble man, George Master of Angus, all and hale the sowme
of thre scor of lib. vsual mone of Scotland, that is for to say, fourty merkis of the
forsaid sowme in the complete pament of the Witsonday terme last bypast befor
the date of thir presentis, and the tothir fyfty merkis in part of pament of the
Mertymes terme last bypast befor the date of thir presentis ; the quhilk thre
score of lib. forsaid, the said George Mastir of Angus payt for me, and in my
name, to Master Jhone of Murray of the Blak barony : of the quhilk sowme of thre
scor of lib. forsaid, I grant me weil assythit and out payt ; and tharfor I the said
Jhone Lord Hay of Zestir, for me and myne airis [discharge] the said George
Master of Angus, his airis, executouris and assignais, of the forsaid sowme of thre
scor of lib. of the termis forsaid for now and euirmar. In witnes of the quhilk
thing, to this my present acquittance I haf subscriuit my name with my awine
hand, at Zestir, the xix day of March, in the zer of God I m v c and alevine zeris,
befor thir wituesis, schir Jhone the Hay of Hoprew, knycht, Wilzam the Hay of
Tullo, and schir Alexander Romannos, notar public, witht vtheris diueris.
Jhon Lord Hay off Zestir.
181. Extract from the Commissary Records of Glasgow, under the Seal
of Archbishop Bethune, as to the legitimation of Elizabeth Auchin-
LEK. 2 2d October 1512.
Excellentissimo et serenissimo principi, Jacobo Scotorum regi illustrissimo,
atque suis reuerendissimo cancellario, prepotentibus ac nobilibus dominis, locum-
tenentibus, vicecomitibus, et officiariis quibuscunque, ceterisque quos presens tangit
negocium, Jacobus permissione diuina Glasguensis archiepiscopus, perpetuam in
Domino felicitatem : Dudum tempore pie memorie Roberti predecessoris nostri
eiusdem sedis archiepiscopi questio natalium Elezabeth Auchinlek, tunc jJupille, per
quondam magistrum Johannem Auchinlek, canonicum Brechinensem, suum pat-
ruum, mota et proposita coram vestre maiestatis certo vicecomite per breue capelle
eiusdem celsitudinis ad Glasguense auditorium et ecclesiastico foro cui preficimur
discucienda atque decidenda remissa fuerat : vbi post longam altercacionem, cause
examinacionem, auditis hinc inde parciuni assercionibus, datisque postremo a iam
dicto predecessore ad hoc commissariis infrascriptis, eadem Elezabeth per horum

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